Executive Action

Ted Cruz on Immigration: Senator Not Blocking DHS Funding Bill; Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama Working for Top 1 Percent

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, called for the Republican Party leadership to address the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding and block President Barack Obama's immigration executive action.

Immigration Reform News Update: President Obama's 2016 Fiscal Year Budget Increases Immigrant Detention Funding

President Barack Obama proposed his budget for the 2016 fiscal year earlier this week, but an immigrants rights groups expressed concerns.

State of the Union 2015 Address: 5 Things To Expect From President Obama's Speech

President Barack Obama has a busy agenda to address for his upcoming State of the Union address Tuesday with issues affecting all age groups, notably millennials.

Immigration Executive Action Update: Immigration Debate Is 'Our Selma' and Latest Civil Rights Movement, Says Rep. Luis Gutierrez

The education of President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions continued in New Jersey, part of Rep. Luis Gutierrez's, D-Ill., tour on the issue Republicans are trying to block.

Immigration Executive Action Update: DC Attorney General Karl Racine, 12 States Ask Federal Court to Uphold Obama's Executive Actions

While nearly half of the U.S. states have filed the paperwork to sue President Barack Obama regarding his immigration executive actions, other states and Washington, D.C. have joined to support the deferred actions for undocumented immigrants.

Immigration Executive Action 2015: Boehner, GOP to Include Amendments to Stop Obama's Immigration Executive Action in Homeland Security Bill

Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner, R-Ohio, reaffirmed the Republican Party's intentions to stop President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions and his use of "unilateral" action.

Immigration Executive Action Details: Undocumented Immigrants' Deportation, Due Process Rights Remains An Issue, Says Human Rights Watch

President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions will provide nearly 4.9 million undocumented immigrants to be deferred from deportation. However, other human rights concerns have remained unaddressed, according to one of the largest international human rights organizations.

Obama Immigration Plan: Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto Announces Plans for Mexican Citizens to Receive Proper Documents, Comments on Cuban Relations

U.S. President Barack Obama met with Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto ahead of the countries' bilateral High-Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) meeting. While Peña Nieto and Obama discussed economic topics, the two presidents spoke about immigration and the renewed diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba.

Immigration Reform News 2015: US Homeland Security, State Department Launch 'Aggressive' DAPA, DACA Fact Campaign in Mexico, Central America

The next phase of President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions has launched with a fact awareness campaign by the U.S. Department of State and Homeland Security.

Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto to Meet Obama at White House: Immigration Executive Actions, Cuba Policy on the Agenda

Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto will meet with President Barack Obama Tuesday to discuss economic develop and the immigration executive actions issued in November.

Immigration Reform News 2014 Today: Obama 'Frustrated' With Immigration Reform Inaction, Wants Opponents to Specify Concerns

President Barack Obama revealed he was "frustrated" with the lack of comprehensive immigration reform in Congress and referred to his executive actions as "a first step" to future efforts.

Immigration Executive Action Economic Benefits: $90 Billion in GDP Growth, Federal Deficit Reduction by 2024

President Barack Obama's executive actions are projected to provide a "modest" economic boost to the U.S. economy, according to reports.

Obama Immigration Plan: Presidential Memorandum Aims to Reform, Streamline US Immigrant Visa System

While President Barack Obama issued executive actions that may defer nearly five million undocumented immigrants from deportation, he also issued a "presidential memorandum" aimed towards modernizing and streamlining the country's immigration visa system.

Immigration Executive Action Update: USCIS Leon Rodriguez Urges Undocumented Immigrants to Apply for Deferment, Don't Fear Deportation

The head of a top federal immigration agency has urged undocumented immigrants to utilize the temporary legal status opportunities provided by President Barack Obama's executive actions.

Obama Immigration Executive Action Update: Federal Court Judge Rules Immigration Executive Action 'Unconstitutional'

A federal court judge ruled segments of President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions were unconstitutional on Tuesday.

Immigration Reform Executive Action Update: Republican Senator Rand Paul Introduces Bill to Undo Obama's Executive Order

Not even a month has passed since President Barack Obama announced an executive order on immigration, but it has already been threatened by legal and legislative action.

Immigration Reform Executive Action Update: Law Enforcement Voice Benefits of Immigration Executive Action, Crime Reduction Likely But More Action Needed

Despite President Barack Obama’s executive actions, law enforcement and religious-based leaders are pressing Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

Immigration Laws and Legislation 2014: Four More States Join Texas-led Immigration Lawsuit

Four more states have joined a Texas-led coalition that seeks to sue the Obama administration an over executive action on immigration announced last month wherein the president's unilaterally moved to spare millions of people living illegally in the United States from deportation.

Obama Executive Actions on Immigration: President Explains Executive Actions, Legal Constraints in Nashville Town Hall

President Barack Obama addressed and answered questions on immigration Nashville, Tennessee, a location he viewed as "one of the fastest-growing immigrant populations in the country."

Immigration News Today: Border Patrol, TSA Exempt from New Racial Profiling Policies by Justice Department

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced new guidance to ease racial profiling accusations, but immigrant rights groups have voiced concern about the new steps.

Immigration Status News 2014: Attorneys General Press Congress to Pass Reform, Recommends Strategy

Congressional leaders have been called by 18 attorneys general to address the need for bipartisan immigration legislation to fix the “dysfunctional” legal immigration system.