FBI Top 10 List: Suspect In Murder Of Mother, Son Surrenders to Nicauraguan, FBI Authorities

The man police suspect to have murdered a 19-year-old New York mother and her child in 2010 was arrested Friday, one day after being placed on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list and surrendering to Nicaraguan authorities.

Los Angeles, California No Longer "Bank Robbery Capital of the World," FBI Surprised

Since the 1960s, the city of Los Angeles has become known as the Bank Robbery Capital of the World, but after a half a century, FBI agents are now wondering, "where did all the bandits go?"

Gmail Login, Account & Contacts: Microsoft Admits, Defends Practice Of Reading User Emails

Computer tech giant Microsoft recently admitted in federal court documents that it has the ability to break into its customers' email accounts and has done so in the past.

Revenge Porn Founder Hunter Moore Arrested; Who Was His Accomplice?

Hunter Moore, a 27-year-old internet pornography mogul who helped create a new, nauseating, genre of pornography - so-called "Revenge Porn," was arrested by the FBI and indicted on federal charges this week, along with an alleged accomplice.

Point Break Movie Remake: Gerard Butler Rumored to Star

Despite not even being in production yet, the upcoming Point Break remake is already making waves. Despite not even being in production yet, the upcoming Point Break remake is already making waves.

McStay Family Mystery: Joseph McStay's Father Has List Of Three Suspects

As an entire nation grieves along with the family of the McStays, authorities will not rest until they find the monsters responsible for this crime. The bodies of Joseph McStay, his wife Summer McStay and their two preschool-age boys, Gianni and Joey Jr. were found in the Victorville desert on Nov. 13th 2013 after their disappearance back in 2010, according to NBC San Diego

Most Dangerous States in America: Is It Safe Where You Live?

Gone are the days for keeping your front door unlocked or lending sugar to your neighbor, in today's America, most of us have grown more cautious and there's a reason why.

FBI Reopens 1964 Kidnapping Case; Man Discovers He Wasn't the Kidnap Victim

A 1964 kidnapping case was reopened after the man, who was believed to be the kidnapped baby, learns he is not the missing victim.

FBI Rescues More Than 100 Children From Child Prostitution Ring, Arrests 150 Adults

In a three-day sweep of the country, the FBI has just completed what is believed to be the largest raid on child prostitution in the agency's history. When all was said and done, 150 suspects were arrested for their ties to a child prostitution ring that was operating in 76 different cities.

Shia Labeouf NSA Warning: Actor Told Jay Leno About Spying in 2008 [VIDEO]

On the Tonight Show with Jay Leno in 2008, Labeouf spoke about many of the issues that people are now outraged over regarding the NSA's spying efforts.

Tsarnaev Associate Killed by FBI Was About to Implicate Boston Bombing Suspect in 2011 Triple Murder, Officials Say

Federal Bureau of Investigation officials announced that the Florida man tied to one of the Boston bombing suspects was "about to sign a statement" admitting to a role in an unsolved triple murder in Massachusetts before he was shot and killed by an FBI agent Tuesday night.

Joanne Chesimard Becomes First Woman On FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists List

Despite committing her crime forty years ago today, Chesimard is still considered by law enforcement officials to be highly dangerous.