Gay Rights

St. Kitts and Nevis: Colonial Era Law Banning Gay Sex Found Unconstitutional

There was a law that criminalizes homosexual conduct in the twin island nation of St. Kitts and Nevis, and it has been around since colonial times. However, the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court has struck down the law.

Ricky Martin Calls for Marriage Equality in Chile

The Latin music superstar is using his star power to promote gay marriage rights and LGBT equality in Chile by meeting with officials and activists supporting the cause.

Colombia Permits Same-Sex Couple to Jointly Register Child

Colombian authorities allowed a same-sex couple to jointly register a child with the civil registry, a move celebrated by LGBT rights groups as another step toward equal treatment of gay and lesbian citizens in the South American country.

Mexican Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage in Jalisco

Mexico's highest court on Jan. 26 legalized same-sex marriage in Jalisco state, which is home to more than 7 million inhabitants and contains the country's second-largest city, Guadalajara.

Immigration News: Bernie Sanders Vows to End Detention of Undocumented LGBT Immigrants

If he were to move into the White House come 2017, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., would end the detention of undocumented gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) immigrants as part of his wider immigration policy.

Bolivia's Evo Morales Apologizes for Lesbian Quip

Bolivian President Evo Morales on Tuesday said he was sorry for telling his health minister he did not "want to think you're a lesbian," when the official talked to another woman while the leader was giving a speech.

Utah to Fight Judge's Order to Take Baby from Lesbian Foster Parents

Republican Utah Gov. Gary Herbert on Thursday chided a local judge for putting his "personal beliefs and feelings" above the law when he ordered ordered a baby to be taken from her lesbian foster parents and placed with a heterosexual couple, supposedly for the child's well-being.

LGBT News: Utah Judge Orders Baby Be Removed from Lesbian Foster Parents

A lesbian couple is distraught, after a Utah juvenile judge ordered their baby to be taken away and given to a heterosexual couple.

LGBT News: Chile Civil Union Law Goes Into Effect

Chile has just introduced a new law that will make it easier for unmarried couples who live together to co-own property and make medical decisions for one another

Clinton, Biden to Headline Gay Rights Group's Soirée

The headline speakers at a key event organized by the nation's largest gay rights group may well end up becoming rivals for the Democrats' 2016 nomination - if Joe Biden decides to launch his own White House bid, that is.

Putin, Elton John Call: Russian Leader Talks with British Gay Singer About LGBT Rights in Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin called up English rock legend Elton John to propose a meeting. Russian President Vladimir Putin called English rock legend Elton John to propose a meeting on Thursday.

UN Security Council Tackles ISIS Violence in First-Ever LGBT Rights Meeting

The United Nations Security Council on Monday discussed the atrocities gays and lesbians suffer under ISIS occupation, as the body tackled a gay-rights issue for the first time in its 70-year history.

Scott Walker Issues: GOP Presidential Candidate Tries to Clarify Remarks on Gays in the Boy Scouts

Republican 2016 presidential hopeful Scott Walker, who opened his candidacy speech with an anecdote about his time in Boy Scouts, has been going back and trying to clarify his position on gays being allowed to serve as employees and troop leaders in the organization.

President Obama Kenya Visit Update: Kenyan Hosts Warn Obama Not to Address Gay Rights During Trip

While many Kenyans express excitement about President Barack Obama's upcoming visit to the country of his ancestors, some of them are already warning him not to "talk about the gay issue."

'Patently Unconstitutional': Judge Throws Out California Kill-Gays Ballot Initiative

A California man's proposed ballot measure that called for the killing of gay people is "patently unconstitutional," and the state's attorney general is not required to "waste public resources" to process the initiative, a Sacramento County Superior Court ruled on Monday.

Pentagon Extends Anti-Discrimination policy to Gay Troops

The U.S. Department of Defense is set to treat discrimination based on sexual orientation in the same way it handles that based on race, religion, sex, age and national origin, Secretary Ashton Carter announced on Tuesday at an LGBT pride event at the Pentagon.

Colombian Bishop Apologizes For Offending Both Conservative Catholics and Homosexuals in the Same Speech

While expressing his belief that homosexuality was not a sin at a university conference on gay marriage and adoption this past Thursday, Colombian Bishop Juan Vicente Cordoba managed to offend traditional Catholics, as well as the homosexuals he was trying to welcome into the church.

LGBT News: Raul Castro's Daughter Leads Gay Rights March, Unofficial Marriages in Havana

More than 1,000 people marched in Havana this weekend in what the Associated Press called a "colorful gay rights march" led by Mariela Castro, the daughter of Cuban leader Raúl Castro.

Gay Marriage News: Cuba Will Hold Symbolic Mass Gay Wedding for Gay Pride Event

This coming weekend Cuban gay activists, along with Mariela Castro, will hold a symbolic mass wedding this weekend as part of Cuba's annual gay pride parade.

Republican Governor Mike Pence Passes Anti-Gay 'Religious Freedom' Law in Indiana

Indiana Governor Mike Pence on Thursday signed into law a controversial bill that could legalize discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people based on religious grounds.

All Same-Sex Spouses of UN Staffers to Get Benefits

Benefits for gay spouses of United Nations employees will no longer be determined by the staffers' home countries' laws on same-sex unions, meaning the international organization will apply the same rules to all legally married couples.