Health insurance

Obamacare Facts & News 2014: Latino Healthcare Insurance Rates Up Ahead of Signup Deadline

The Affordable Care Act has had a profound effect on the historically underinsured Latino community, as the percentage of uninsured American Latinos lacking health coverage, ages 19 to 64, dropped from 36 percent to 23 percent between summer 2013 and spring 2014.

Obamacare and Latinos: Uninsured Latino Rates Drop Among Young and Low-Income After First ACA Enrollment Period

The number of uninsured Latinos has dropped in the U.S., and credit is being given to the Affordable Care Act.

Latinos and Healthcare Insurance: Challenges for Largest Uninsured Minority Group Ahead of Obamacare Second Enrollment Period

The second open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act's Federal Marketplace is scheduled to reopen in two months, and health care agencies have been learning how to decrease the rate of uninsured Latinos.

Obamacare in California: Golden State Has Largest Uninsured Latino Population, Prepares for Second ACA Enrollment Period

Support for the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, has increased in California as the Golden State prepares for the second enrollment period of the ACA.

Affordable Care Act Premium Rates to Increase 7.5 Percent, Less Than Predicted

Premiums on the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) health insurance exchanges are expected to increase by an average 7.5 percent for 2015.

Affordable Care Act Penalty Fine: 90 Percent of Uninsured Americans Won't Pay Obamacare Penalty in 2016

Despite the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in effect, 30 million people remain uninsured but are likely not to pay a penalty.

Florida Affordable Care Act Premium Increases: State's Health Insurers Propose Double-Digit Higher Premiums

Health insurers in Florida have proposed higher rates for their Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchange plans for 2015.

Millennials Support Affordable Care Act, But One-Third Do Not Have Health Insurance, Risk Federal Penalty

Among the millennial generation, one of the top issues of concern is health care. When it comes to health care, the report noted that two-thirds of millennials surveyed have health insurance but a third do not.

Affordable Health Care Act's Federal Website Launched 'Without Effective Planning,' Says Government Accountability Office Probe

The U.S. Government Accountability Office finalized its probe into the launch of, the federal health insurance exchange website for states without their own insurance exchange.

California Health Insurance: Despite Obamacare, Hispanics Represent 62 Percent of Uninsured Adult Residents

Millions of Californians now have insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act, but about 2.5 adults remain uninsured, many of them Hispanics, and are difficult to persuade, a new survey said.

Affordable Care Act Premium Increases: New York Insurers Request Double-Digit Higher Premiums for 2015

With the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in effect in New York, insurance companies are expected to request double-digit premium hikes for 2015.

Countries that Master Healthcare: Can They Serve as a Model for the U.S.?

The United States may be considered a super power, but lately with the government shutdown, confusion surrounding Obamacare and the initial fiasco, we seem to be in need of a systematic prescription ourselves.

Leukemia Patient Denied Health Insurance Over 26 Cents

Sergio Branco nearly lost his life because of a 26 cent error that his insurance company refused to allow him to fix.

Obama Urges Latinos to Get Health Insurance, Touts Cheaper Rates Thanks to ACA

President Obama urged Californians, particularly young people and Hispanics, to sign up for health insurance, now that Obamacare has lowered rates to more affordable levels.
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