Health insurance
Obamacare Facts & News 2014: Latino Healthcare Insurance Rates Up Ahead of Signup Deadline
Obamacare and Latinos: Uninsured Latino Rates Drop Among Young and Low-Income After First ACA Enrollment Period
Latinos and Healthcare Insurance: Challenges for Largest Uninsured Minority Group Ahead of Obamacare Second Enrollment Period
Obamacare in California: Golden State Has Largest Uninsured Latino Population, Prepares for Second ACA Enrollment Period
Affordable Care Act Premium Rates to Increase 7.5 Percent, Less Than Predicted
Affordable Care Act Penalty Fine: 90 Percent of Uninsured Americans Won't Pay Obamacare Penalty in 2016
Florida Affordable Care Act Premium Increases: State's Health Insurers Propose Double-Digit Higher Premiums
Millennials Support Affordable Care Act, But One-Third Do Not Have Health Insurance, Risk Federal Penalty
Affordable Health Care Act's Federal Website Launched 'Without Effective Planning,' Says Government Accountability Office Probe
California Health Insurance: Despite Obamacare, Hispanics Represent 62 Percent of Uninsured Adult Residents
Affordable Care Act Premium Increases: New York Insurers Request Double-Digit Higher Premiums for 2015
Countries that Master Healthcare: Can They Serve as a Model for the U.S.?
Leukemia Patient Denied Health Insurance Over 26 Cents
Obama Urges Latinos to Get Health Insurance, Touts Cheaper Rates Thanks to ACA
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