The Journal of the American Medical Association: Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery published findings that revealed hearing loss to be more prevalent among men and older adults. There's also a distinct prevalence among Hispanics.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a new report on Hispanic health, which highlighted important facts about Hispanics, including news that Hispanics have better health outcomes than whites for most analyzed health factors, despite socioeconomic barriers. However, Latinos aren't totally out of the dark.
Karin M. Hehenberger, M.D., Ph.D., founded Lyfebulb, an educational and social platform that's dedicated to helping those with chronic illness and diabetes achieve their optimal lifestyle. Hehenberger has used her expertise on diabetes and chronic illness to identify, develop and promote products across therapeutics, devices and consumer health care industries.
With the U.S. Latino population rapidly increasing, the American Heart Association revealed healthcare professionals will have to better understand their "unique" heart health risks.