Oregon Anesthesiologist Suspended After Potentially Exposing Over 2,000 Patients to HIV, Hepatitis

Portland hospitals used an outsourced anesthesiology group with a physician linked to potentially exposing thousands to HIV and Hepatitis.
Brazil Supreme Court Investigates Bolsonaro's COVID-19 Vaccine Claim! Bralizian President Defends His Livestream

Brazil Supreme Court Investigates Bolsonaro's COVID-19 Vaccine Claim! Bralizian President Defends His Livestream

Here's what happened why Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro was banned from YouTube and Facebook. Brazil's Supreme Court decided to look into President Jair Bolsonaro's recent live stream, which contains some false claims against COVID-19 and AIDS.

Argentina Woman Named 'Esperanza Patient' Becomes Second HIV-Cured Case

Argentina woman was named as the second case of HIV positive individuals to be cured; all thanks to immune system.

HIV Cases Represent Additional Challenge In The COVID-19 Battle

How does HIV affect the patients’ battle against COVID-19? Mexico's Deputy Minister of Health Hugo López-Gatell admitted in a recent report that HIV represents an additional challenge in the battle against COVID-19 because half the people who have the human immunodeficiency virus are unaware of it.

Health Officials Confirm Second Patient Cured of HIV

Another patient has been cured of HIV, more than a decade after the first. (Photo : Facebook) Health officials confirmed a second person cured for Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) in a new report published Tuesday.
Medical Record

HIV Vaccine Could be Available in 2021, Scientists Say

HIV vaccines are now close to the efficacy stage testing that would end the spread of HIV-AIDS. (Photo : pxhere) The world celebrated World Aids Day on Sunday with the theme "Communities Makes the Difference".
Hispanics with HIV Cases in the United States is Gradually Increasing Every Year

Hispanics with HIV Cases in the United States is Gradually Increasing Every Year

The HIV cases among the Hispanic community in the US is increasing every year. The population of Hispanic or Latino Us migrants with HIV cases is becoming a serious matter for discussion.

Report: HIV Vaccine Therapy Control Virus Without Daily Drugs

HIV vaccine therapy helps to fight the virus without daily drugs. The finding of the research was presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and opportunistic infections.

Okapara University Discovers The Cure Medicine For HIV/AIDS, Scientist Confirms

The researchers from Michael Okapara University have discovered the cure medicine for HIV. The finding is followed years of scientific research by the institution

HIV Machinery Structure Cracked by Scientists

HIV has been a dangerous disease and sciententists have spent decades trying to understand the subject in detail. The present discovery will help in studying HIV further into various aspects

Report: DC wants Black Women to use a pill; the pill revolutionized HIV prevention in gay men

District official wants Black women to use a drug for HIV prevention. For that, the official have started random campaigning throughout the city

Hundreds of veterans possibly infected with hepatitis/HIV by hospital service

Around 600 veterans may have been infected with hepatitis/HIV, ironically through healthcare services provided by a hospital.

USB Stick Performs HIV Test; Measures Virus in Blood Accurately in 30 Minutes

A college institution had its scientists create a USB stick that could perform an HIV test. It has its potential to identify if a patient has an HIV virus in the blood. The device just simple needed a drop of blood and once it penetrated to the spot of the USB, it would then feeds data to a computer or a mobile phone, before 30 minutes end, it would provide a result with 95 percent accuracy.

New drug aims to combat drug-resistant HIV effectively

A new drug has been found to be effective against drug-resistant HIV. But it's expected to come at a high price.

Hillary Clinton Apologizes After Praising Nancy Reagan for 'Low Key' AIDS Advocacy

It only took a few hours for the Democratic presidential nomination frontrunner to become cognizant of her social blunder and, eventually, own up to it. Hillary Clinton, somehow, bungled history when she lauded former President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy for their low-key advocacy on HIV and AIDS back in the 1980s during the televised funeral of the latter.

A Quarter of Latino Gay Men Projected to Get HIV in Their Lifetime

The HIV diagnoses rates are not looking good and it’s on track to some alarming numbers. A study by the researchers of Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that if trends persist, one out of four Latino men who have sex with men (MSM) are projected to get HIV in their lifetime.

'Charlie Sheen Effect' Raised HIV Awareness, Study Reveals

Experts also suggested the celebrity can do more to take advantage of this impact. Charlie Sheen's revelation that he's HIV positive apparently raised awareness about the disease, and a John Hopkins study has the numbers to prove it.

Drug Preventing HIV Transmission From Mom to Child May Affect Fetal Development

A new study suggests that taking antiretroviral drugs while pregnant may affect the child's language and social development skills.

Charlie Sheen's Alternative HIV Treatment in Mexico Didn't Work

Charlie Sheen was left with disappointment after seeking alternative tratment for his HIV in Mexico.

HIV Diagnoses Increase Among Gay Latino Men: CDC

Nationally, HIV diagnoses declined nearly 20 percent, although progress has been uneven. Diagnoses among Latina women and white women declined steadily over the past decade (35 percent and 30 percent, respectively). Although, there have been increases among HIV diagnoses for Latino men who are gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men.

Charlie Sheen's Former Fiancée Brett Rossi Files Assault, Battery & Other Charges

Brett Rossi, former love partner of Charlie Sheen, files a lawsuit against him citing several charges.