The bipartisan immigration reform bill has passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and will be taken up by the full Senate sometime this summer. Due to the diligence, and some would say stubbornness, of the Gang of Eight, the bill remains in more of less the same form as when it entered committee.
The Connecticut House of Representatives approved a measure late last week that would allow undocumented immigrants to apply for driver’s licenses, register their cars and purchase automobile insurance.
According to a new study, the passage of immigration reform in Washington would add about three million new homeowners to the real estate market and spearhead a recovery for the ailing housing sector.
Joe Arpaio, the controversial sheriff of Arizona’s Maricopa County, has been reprimanded by a federal judge for racially profiling Latinos suspected of being undocumented immigrants, most of whom were American citizens or legal residents.
The bipartisan immigration bill has been voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and onto the full Senate, but it left behind an amendment that would have made same-sex couple eligible for family unification.