
Bernie Sanders Speaks at US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Says 'Open Borders' Hurt US Youth

Sen. Bernie Sanders became the third presidential candidate to hold a Q&A session at the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) on Thursday. The Vermont Democratic candidate, though in favor of immigration reform, warned that open borders and high levels of immigration could hurt U.S. youth.

Undocumented Population Stable Since Great Recession Due to Deportation, Immigrant Departures

The undocumented immigrant population has been stable since the start of the Great Recession, shifting longstanding trends related to the undocumented population, particularly among undocumented Mexicans, who once represented about half of undocumented immigrant.

Donald Trump's National Campaign Manager Says to Round Up, Deport Immigrants

Appearing in a conservative radio show, Donald Trump’s national campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, said that under a Trump presidency, undocumented immigrants would be rounded up and deported.

Immigration News: Immigrant Rights Advocates Meet with Gov. John Kasich on DACA, DAPA Lawsuit

Presidential hopeful John Kasich met with advocates on Monday regarding a President's Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) and expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) lawsuit.

DACA News Today: Final Days for 2,100 3-Year DACA Recipients to Return Inaccurate Work Permits

Select beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program have approximately 48 hours to return inaccurate permits to the federal government.

Jeb Bush on Immigration: GOP Presidential Candidate Reveals He Wants to Keep 11 Million Undocumented Immigrants

Presidential hopeful Jeb Bush says he will find a way for 11 million undocumented immigrants to stay in the United States.

2016 Presidential Candidates: Jeb Bush Talks About Discrimination of 'Dark-Skinned' Son

In an interview with Telemundo earlier this year, 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush opened up about the discrimination that his half-Hispanic son experienced as a person of color.

Immigration News 2015: Latino Politicians Celebrate District Judge's Anti-Immigrant Detention Ruling

U.S. District Judge Dolly M. Gee's ruling against the detainment of immigrant women and children was met with acclaim by many Latino congressional lawmakers.

Despite Growing Anti-Immigration Rhetoric in Congress, Partisan Latino Groups Fail to Compromise

Latinos are a diverse community, and hundreds of individuals and organizations have aimed to represent each one of them. While many Latino-based organization may agree on an issue, political beliefs may ultimately dwindle opportunities of cooperation.

Latino Vote 'More Critical, Decisive Than Ever,' Says National Hispanic Leadership Agenda Chair Hector Sanchez

The chairman of a coalition encompassing 39 leading national and regional Latino organizations said the Latino vote will play a more influential role in the presidential election race.

Immigration News Today: Immigrant Detention Hearing Set by House Democrats as Judge Rules Against Detention Policy

A federal judge ruled for the release of hundreds of detained immigrant women and children, another blow to the Obama administration as congressional lawmakers seek to alter immigration laws.

Federal Judge Orders to End ICE Family Detention - Will it Stick?

A federal judge ruled Friday that women and children who were detained after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border should be released.

Immigration Reform News: Obama's New ICE Guidelines Could Protect 87 Percent of Undocumented Immigrants From Deportation - Study

A new study found that a large percentage of undocumented immigrants will not be targeted for deportations due to a new policy being implemented by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS.)

Immigration Reform News: Donald Trump Gains Support Visiting Town Near US-Mexico Border - Including Some Latinos

Ironically, Trump's controversial stance on immigration reform has also helped him garner support among a small sector of Hispanic residents living near the U.S-Mexican border.

Donald Trump Tours US-Mexico Border: 'You Have to Have a Wall'

Trump reiterated on Thursday that he supports legal immigration. Donald Trump toured the U. S. and Mexico border on Thursday to better understand the issues surrounding the area that has garnered him criticism from Hispanic groups and opponents.

Immigration Reform News: Wisconsin Dairy Farmers Push For Federal Policy to Protect Immigrant Labor

Dairy farmers from Wisconsin have joined the fight for immigration reform in order to save their businesses, which are heavily dependent on immigrant labor.

Obama Immigration Law: President Advised to Veto Anti-Immigration House Bill as Donald Trump Visits Border

The Obama administration revealed it will veto a House legislation affecting “sanctuary cities,” which have received national attention following the death of a San Francisco woman by an undocumented immigrant and remarks by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

2016 Presidential Race: Rick Perry Slams Donald Trump Over Immigration, John McCain Comments

2016 presidential candidate Rick Perry delivered a speech on Wednesday, blasting Donald Trump for his recent inflammatory remarks about immigrants and Sen. John McCain.

Immigration News Latest: Migration Rates From Mexico to US Drop Significantly

The migration rate from Mexico into the U.S. dropped significantly, based on new research, regardless if individuals are coming legally or illegally.

Immigration News 2015: Nearly 40 National Latino Groups Denounce Anti-Sanctuary City House Bill

A coalition of 39 national Latino advocacy groups have called on the House of Representatives not to pass a bill that generalizes Latino immigrants for political gain.

Immigration Activist Cesar Vargas Announces Presidential Run, Calls for Changing Requirements

Immigration activist and DREAMer Cesar Vargas announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States on Tuesday. However, the law school graduate is not eligible to run for the office. He only seeks to make a point about the requirements for the presidency.