Kirsten Gillibrand

Cher Apologizes to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: "Believe" Singer Confused Gillibrand With Sen. Kyrsten Sinema on "Traitor" Tweets

"Believe" singer Cher issued an apology addressed to New York Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand after confusing her with Senator Kyrsten Sinema.

Report Finds Hundreds of Military Kids Sexually Abused by Service Members

Official Defense Department data reveals sexual assaults involving the children of military members occur hundreds of times each year.

Student Debt Crisis Solutions: Democratic Senators Introduce Law Protecting Student Loan Borrowers

Senate Democrats have introduced legislation to increase student loan process transparency, especially in deals including a co-signer.

Sen. Gillibrand Backs Petition Demanding Obama Revoke Bill Cosby's Presidential Medal of Freedom

U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has joined the effort to revoke Bill Cosby's Presidential Medal of Freedom in wake of growing allegations accusing the famed comedian of sexually assaulting mutliple women.

Senator Accuses Pentagon of Keeping Sexual Assault Information

United States Senator Kirsten Gillibrand warned Monday that sex assaults are "vastly underreported" in the military, ABC New reports according to AP.

Medical Marijuana: Senators Aim to do Away with Federal Restrictions on the Drug

A bipartisan group of senators on Tuesday introduced a landmark bill that would do away with federal restrictions on the medicinal use of marijuana. The drug is still technically a so-called "Schedule I" substance under federal law and exposes users to potential investigation and arrest.

Weird Food News Cooking Outrage This Week, Farm Bill Tops List

Food is supposed to give you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside (especially in the tummy region). This week, however, food has been making some weird headlines. As a result, people are saying food is full of it, rather than becoming full of food. Here is the weird food news of the week that's got many hungry for change.
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