Latino Health

New Study: Purpose-Driven Life May Improve Health of Aging Brain

Rush University Medical Center, the top-ranked medical institution, recently conducted a study that concluded a purpose-driven life may improve the health of an aging brain.

Obamacare Enrollment Update: Health Insurance Issues Persist Among Latinos Despite Improved Uninsured Rate

Since the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) implementation in 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services revealed 16.4 million Americans have enrolled for health insurance coverage yet the Latino community has proven to be a complex group to enroll.

Disadvantaged Latino, Non-White Patients Twice As Likely to be Misdiagnosed by Mental Health Professionals

Exactitude isn't guaranteed when it comes to assessing the mental health of disadvantaged patients. If fact, disadvantaged patients are two times more likely to be misdagnosed.

Cancer Rates Among Latina Women on Rise, Studies Say

The latest studies show that Hispanic women are becoming more at risk to different types of cancers.

Obamacare Enrollment 2015 Numbers: Latino Uninsured Rate Drops By Double Digits, 16.4 Millions Overall Americans Gain Health Insurance

A new report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed that millions more Latinos have health insurance since Obamacare came into effect in 2010.

Obamacare Update: President Obama Not Preparing Backup Plan If Supreme Court Rules Against Federal Tax Subsidies

President Barack Obama revealed he does not anticipate the U.S. Supreme Court will strike down a provision of the Affordable Care Act that would eliminate health coverage for millions of Americans.

HIV Cure & Symptoms News 2015: HIV/AIDS Advancements, Obstacles and the Needs of HIV-Infected Latino Elders Top the Week

HIV infection is five times more prevalent among Latinos over 50 compared to non-Hispanic Whites. HIV-infected elders don't fare as well as others because they are unwilling to disclose information about their sex lives or drug usage with their health care providers. However, this racial gap concerning older Latinos isn't simply the result of high-risk behavior, but rather structural inequalities, which makes contact with the disease more likely, and access care or treatment less likely.

Cancer Cure News 2015: Sexually Transmitted DNA Virus Can Lead to Cancer, But Vaccine Can Curb Likelihood of Cervical Cancer

The sexually transmitted DNA virus, which can lead to numerous types of cancer, especially cervical cancer, is called human papillomavirus virus (HPV), and totally preventable. Unfortunately, many people don't know that.

Obamacare Enrollment Numbers 2015: Nearly 8.8 Million Enrolled on HealthCare.Gov, Record-Breaking Final-Day Signups

The second open enrollment period of and state-based health insurance marketplaces accrued 11.4 million enrollees, with the final day recording the most sign-ups than any previous open enrollment day.

SALUD: Advocacy Groups Discuss HIV/AIDS in the Latino Community on Latino Health Advocacy Day

Earlier this week, the Latino Commission on AIDS, the Hispanic Health Network and other affiliate organizations hosted the Third Annual Latino Health Advocacy Day in Manhattan, which educated the public about aging HIV-infected Latinos, strategies to engage Latino gay men, disparities and eliminating barriers, as well as safeguarding the future of young blacks and Latinos.

HIV News & Symptoms 2015: Cuban HIV Variant Triggering Swift Progression to AIDS

A variant of HIV has been found in Cuba, according to recent reports; and the mutation is said to be far more aggressive and rapid spreading than any other documented forms of the life-claiming virus.

Obamacare Enrollment Deadline 2015: Taxpayers without Health Insurance Will Be Penalized

The deadline for Obamacare coverage is Feb. 15. If you miss the deadline, you may not be able to get coverage until 2016. If you don't have health care coverage in 2015, you'll be penalized when you file your 2015 federal income tax return in 2016.

"Meatless Mondays:" Why U.S. Rep. Tony Cárdenas Is Urging People to go Meat-less and How It Can Impact Global Climate Change, Your Health & Waistline

U.S. Rep. Tony Cárdenas (D-San Fernando Valley), who represents California's 29th Congressional District, and his staff are on a meat-less mission.

SALUD: Dr. Myriam Torres Discusses Cardiovascular Disease, Heath Issues in the Latino Community

Happy-go-lucky millennials who are mostly athletic or healthy might find themselves suffering from cardiovascular disease when they're in their 50s or 60s, based on slightly elevated cholesterol levels during their younger years.

Obamacare Second Open Enrollment Deadline Update: Week 10 Enrollment Sees Declines, Including Spanish-Language Services

The federal health insurance marketplace,, saw a decline in plan selections during its 10th week of the second open enrollment period.

Obamacare Second Open Enrollment Deadline Update: 9.5 Million People Enrolled on Federal, State-Based Insurance Platforms

With less than three weeks before the second open enrollment period of the Health Insurance Marketplace concludes, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed 2.5 million enrollees are mostly millennials.

Obamacare Open Enrollment Deadline: Health Insurance Plan Selections Significantly Increase, Notably From Florida and Texas

Health insurance plan selections significantly increased during the ninth week of the second open enrollment period of the ederally Facilitated Marketplace, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Spanish and Mexican Researchers Create a Drug to Fight Obesity, Additional Research Shows Breast Cancer is Linked to Obesity

Spanish and Mexican researchers have identified the specific molecule in a protein/protease that prevents the generation of fat cells. Those researchers committed 18 months to the creation of a drug to fight obesity. The timing is impeccable, as two new studies have just unveiled that obesity increases the risk of particular types of breast cancer in African-American and Hispanic women, especially if they're postmenopausal.

Obamacare and Latinos: Uninsured Latino Rates Drop Among Young and Low-Income After First ACA Enrollment Period

The number of uninsured Latinos has dropped in the U.S., and credit is being given to the Affordable Care Act.

Latinos and Healthcare Insurance: Challenges for Largest Uninsured Minority Group Ahead of Obamacare Second Enrollment Period

The second open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act's Federal Marketplace is scheduled to reopen in two months, and health care agencies have been learning how to decrease the rate of uninsured Latinos.

Obamacare & Affordable Care Act Healthcare Coverage: Latino Millennials Value Health, Exercise More Than Non-Hispanics

Conventional thoughts about health and wellness are reinvented in the hands of Hispanic millennials, whose attitudes and behaviors regarding health, diet, and exercise, as well as health-related technology, insurance and the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) differ from their elders.