Same Sex Marriage Laws: Missouri Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban

A St. Louis district court overturned the state's same-sex marriage ban but the decision only applies to St. Louis County, leaving the rest of the state in limbo.

Rose McGowan Says Gays Are as Misogynistic as Straight Men, Apologizes to Gay Community

The actress and director believes the LGBT community needs to address and combat misogyny. When "Charmed" actress Rose McGowan expressed frustration with what she considers a lack of support for women's rights from the gay community during a recent podcast interview filmmaker Bret Easton Ellis, she offended some members of the gay community, reports CNN.

Steve Jobs Memorial Taken Down in St. Petersburg, Russia Because Apple CEO Tim Cook 'Publicly Called for Sodomy'

In the Russian city of St. Petersburg, a memorial to Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs was dismantled after Tim Cook, the man that succeed Jobs at the helm of the multi-billion dollar computer manufacturing company, came out as gay.

LGBT News: Reasons Other Gay Execs May Not Come Out of the Closet Despite Apple's Tim Cook Announcement

CEOs like Tim Cook could change the landscape for the LGBT community in the business world When Apple CEO Tim Cook revealed he was gay on Thursday, questions of when other Fortune 500 company CEOs would come out of the closet began to circulate.

Tim Cook Reveals He's Gay: Apple CEO Hopes Sharing His Sexuality Can 'Bring Comfort to Anyone Who Feels Alone'

The Apple CEO opened up about his sexuality in a personal essay published on Bloomberg Businessweek.

Nevada Same-Sex Marriages Move Forward But Some Chapels Will Not Marry Gay Couples

Some Las Vegas chapels say they will turn down same-sex couples even though the ACLU argues it is against the law.

Houston Officials Issue Subpoenas to Pastors Over Sermons About Transgender Bill

The fight between evangelical Christian leaders and pro-LGBT government legislation continues in Houston, Texas as city officials have subpoenaed the sermons of five pastors who oppose Houston's new equal rights ordinance.

Catholic Bishops Say LGBT People Offer 'Gifts and Qualities'

Vatican reveals document toying with idea of accepting homosexuals A new document supporting homosexuals from the Vatican has caused controversy within the ranks of church conservatives but has won cheers from LGBT rights advocates.

Same Sex Marriage Ban and Laws: South Carolina Supreme Court Halts Gay Marriage Licenses

The South Carolina Supreme Court has put a halt on same-sex marriage licenses while it mulls over whether the state constitution's ban on the gay marriage is legal or not.

Egypt: Grindr Warns Against Crackdown on LGBT Community, Using Social Media to Entrap Gay Men

Egyptian gay men face increased persecution in the Middle Eastern nation and now the government is turning to social media to find gay men, entrapping them in situations that are considered immoral by the government.

EEOC: Lawsuits Filed to Protect Transgender Workplace Right

For the first time ever, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed lawsuits seeking to protect transgender workers under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Anti-LGBT Groups Write Letter Attacking 3 Pro-Gay, Pro-Abortion Republican Candidates, Vow to Vote Against Them in November Elections

Three anti-gay groups, NOM, FRC and CitizenLink, have pledged to oppose three Republican candidates in the upcoming elections because of their pro-LGBT views.

Gay Beating in Philadelphia Case Update: 2 Men, 1 Woman Surrender to Police

Two men and a woman surrendered to police Wednesday morning after being accused of beating up a gay couple in Philadelphia earlier this month.

LGBT News 2014: One-Third of Gay Actors Say They Were Disrespected on Hollywood Sets in UCLA Study

A new study reports that more than half of gay actors in Hollywood feel filmmakers are biased against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender entertainers. A survey from the Williams Institute, a gay-issues thinktank at UCLA, found that more than half of respondents had heard either directors or producers making anti-gay remarks about actors.

Gay Marriage Laws & States: Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Petitions on Marriage Equality

Supreme Court agrees to hear same-sex marriage petitions The U. S. Supreme Court has added same-sex marriage cases from five states to its closed-door agenda discussion at the end of the month, Al Jazeera reported.

Gay Marriage Laws: States Want Supreme Court to Put Same-Sex Marriage Issue to Rest

States want Supreme Court to put same-sex marriage issue to rest A federal court in Chicago ruled Thursday against marriage equality bans in Indiana and Wisconsin, but all eyes are now on the Supreme Court, according to The Associated Press.

California: State Passes Bill Banning 'Gay Panic' and 'Trans Panic' Defenses in Criminal Cases

The bill now moves to Gov. Jerry Brown's desk, awaiting his signature for it to become law. The California Legislature recently passed a bill that would prevent defendants in criminal cases from using the "gay panic" or "trans panic" defense to lessen their punishment or dodge punishment altogether.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell 2014: US Military Gains Support to Repeal Ban on Transgender Members

U.S. military gets support to repeal ban on transgender members, may join 18 other nations which accept them

Marriage Laws by State: Gay Marriage Cases Under Review in Wisconsin, Indiana

Same-sex marriage in Wisconsin and Indiana under review in federal court today Marriage bans for same-sex couples in Wisconsin and Indiana are under review Tuesday by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, the fourth such court to hold hearings on same-sex marriage bans this year, MSNBC reported.

Marriage in Florida: Federal Judge Declares State's Same-Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

A federal judge in Tallahassee decided Thursday that the ban in Florida on same-sex marriages was unconstitutional.

Smithsonian's National Museum of American History Expands LGBT Collection With Photos by Cuban-American Lesbian Photographer

On Tuesday, the Smithsonian Institution will add hundreds of items on the history of gay, lesbian bisexual and transgender people to the National Museum of American History, including photos from Cuban-American photographer Silvia Ros.