Read on to discover Mexican restaurants in LA that serve the most delectable dishes. There are many reasons why Mexican food is one of the most flavorful and tastiest cuisines in the world.
Read on to find out about the free COVID-19 tests provided by Los Angeles County. Los Angeles County recently announced that they are providing free COVID-19 test services to those who want to get tested for the deadly virus, according to an article.
Los Angeles, America's most populous county is targeting a July 4 reopening as experts of public health and policy have said, the COVID-19 crisis has stabilized enough to start recovering from an economic downturn.
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced they made COVID-19 testing available to any individual who wants to be tested and now, the city finds itself with overly excessive unused testing kits amid the countrywide shortage.
In the earlier hours of Sunday, an earthquake with a magnitude of 3.3 rocks Los Angeles, California. The U.S. Geological Survey reported that the epicenter was a mile from a locality in San Fernando Valley.
A local government official urged the residents of Los Angeles to wear face masks after health officials reported a dramatic rise in coronavirus cases on Wednesday
Danny Trejo may be known for his villain roles but he is actually a real-life hero. (Photo : commons. wikimedia. org) Hispanic acting icon Danny Trejo may be known for his "Machete'' film series and villain roles, but he is far from that in reality.
Nury Martinez is the First Latina Council President of Los Angeles City. (Photo : Reuters) Nury Martinez is the new President of the Council of Los Angeles.
A raging wildfire that ignited on the morning of Tuesday Aug. 16 has continued to spread through the Cajon Pass area of San Bernardino County, west of Interstate 15. Over 34,000 homes and other structures are under threat from this fire and well over 80,000 residents have been evacuated. Numerous road closures are in effect in surrounding communities, while several schools and even hospitals have been closed.
From Orange County to Ventura County, Southern Californians are spoiled when it comes to fireworks shows. Most are free, but some charge a small fee for all the fun that comes with an Independence Day celebration.
Researchers concluded that better educated Latinos a trickle-down effect on Los Angeles' economy, mainly by spending more on food and children's clothing than all other demographics.
United Airlines is facing tough competition in Asia and the Pacific against two big airline carriers from the region, Qantas Airlines and Singapore Airlines. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, United is meeting their expectations in spite of Qantas Airlines' newly-formed alliance with American Airlines.