Mysterious Handprints Discovered in Ancient Mayan Cave in Mexico

Mysterious Handprints Discovered in Ancient Mayan Cave in Mexico

An archeologist found more than 100 black and red handprints on the walls of an ancient Mayan cave in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula.

Uncovering the Identity of the Red Queen of the Mayan Palenque Kingdom

In 1994, a team of researchers stumbled upon a temple near the famous Mayan Kingdom of Palenque. Inside, they found a tomb that would become one of the largest Mayan archaeological findings in history.
A three-dimensional image of the ancient Maya Aguada Fenix site in Mexico's Tabasco state based on lidar, an aerial remote-sensing method, is seen in this picture released on June 3, 2020.

Oldest and Largest Ancient Mayan Temple Found In Southern Mexico

Scientists have discovered the most massive and oldest-known Mayan structure using an aerial remote-sensing method in southern Mexico. The pyramid, which measured 400 meters wide, 1,400 long, and 10 to 15 meters high, exceeded the Great Pyramid of Giza built 1,500 years earlier.
Chichen Itza, Merida, Mexico

Did the Ancient Mayan Civilization Establish Themselves in Florida? Explore the Evidence

Some say the Maya civilization once colonized modern-Florida. Archeologists may have found evidence.
Archaeologists Discover New Mayan Settlement in Quintana Roo

Archaeologists Discover New Mayan Settlement in Quintana Roo

The ancient settlement named by the specialists of the INAH Quintana Roo Center, as Mahahual, is reportedly the first of that era detected in the locality on the eastern coast of the Yucatan peninsula.
Mayan Civilization

Mayan Universe: Discover A Glimpse of Mayan Civilization

Mayans conceived the world not based on their own understanding but it involves beliefs, culture, religion, and the movement of the stars.
San Miguel de Allende Streets

Travel Guide: The Coolest Places to Visit in Mexico

Get your travel bags ready. We're going on a trip.

Long-Lost Mayan City Unearthed In a Backyard in Mexico

A team of archeologists discovered one of the world's long-lost cities in a backyard on Wednesday.

Archeologists Restore Ancient Clay City of Izapa

Archeologists are working on a project to restore the Mayan city that features more than 30 stone monuments engraved with mythical scenes
Archaeologist unearths the Maya Palace

Archaeologists Discover Ancient Mayan Palace

Archaeologists believed that the Maya Palace was occupied by the Mayan elite 1,000 years ago.
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