Mexico business

Heineken Mexico Sells Vouchers Online Support to Local Restaurants

Heineken Mexico is leading the way to help local business owners and their staff. Even though Mexico's beer industry is on the brink of collapse Heineken Mexico has launched a voucher program that aims to support restaurant owners and their staff during the economic crisis brought by COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent article.

Mexican President Violates Constitution, Accused of Personal Promotion

The Mexican government and the National Electoral Institute have decided to remove President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s name from the letters that were supposed to be sent to recipients of stimulus loans.

Mexican Businesses Facing Economic Crisis Receive Loans

Small-scale business owners in Mexico’s localities are struggling to maintain their businesses while they deal with slow production, low sales, and shortage of employees during the pandemic. This week, the federal authorities have approved around 700,000 loans for Mexican businesses.

Mexico's Border Zone Factories Plan To Resume Operations Amid COVID-19 Scare

Not knowing when the federal government will finally lift the restrictions that forced them to close due to the coronavirus pandemic, factories in five of Mexico's six northern border states are planning to resume operations in May.

Mexico’s Labor Ministry Launches Website To Help Workers Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Mexico's Ministry of Labor and Social Security launched a platform to maintain the workers' knowledge and skills as they are forced to work from home amid the COVID-19 crisis, according to a recently published article.
Labor Conditions Need to Improve for Women in Mexico

Will Labor Conditions Improve for Women in Mexico?

The participation of women in the labor force of Mexico continues to lag behind their male counterparts.
Mexico’s Economy Declined by 0.14 Percent Last Year

Mexico's Economy Declined by 0.14% Last Year

With the GDP drop in last year's fourth period, Mexico registered two consecutive quarters of economic contraction, thus meeting the technical definition of a recession.
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