Immigration and Customs Enforcement found two new border-crossing tunnels earlier this week, which runs through the Mexico-San Diego border. The discovery, announced on Friday, marks the sixth and seventh tunnels found in the last four years.
As the price of limes increase in Mexico, the "green gold" has become a precious commodity that has citrus growers and truckers who deliver the crop on edge because of a recent rise in theft of the product.
The Colorado River, which stretches for 1,450 miles and travels through numerous states and the northern parts of Mexico, is an essential water source for 30 million people.
While illegal drug production and smuggling is what cartels are primarily known for, a recent "Associated Press" report reveals that numerous cartels in Mexico have found alternate ways of making money illegally.
Mariachi music is an essential part of Mexican life and culture; it tells the story of heartache, anguish and involves the craft of storytelling, but with this traditional genre comes a lot of male pride and ownership, a challenge that talented female musicians have faced since the 1950s. SXSW 2014 is featuring films that highlight the powerful females in Mariachi movement.
The ruling will increase competition and lower prices For many years, the companies headed by Mexican billionaires Carlos Slim and Emilio Azcarraga raked in enormous profits; their phone companies Telmex and Telcel along with the giant television network, Televisa, were the only ones controlling the market.
With dirt-cheap international messaging apps like WhatsApp coming to prominence, thanks to Facebook's not-so-cheap acquisition of the company, the pressure is on telecoms to keep their customers, like many Latinos, who frequently communicate across borders. Time Warner Cable (which also provides phone service) is responding with free calls to Mexico.
Mexico seems to be the theme of odd news this week, as the North American country has been the backdrop of many strange headlines raising eyebrows this week. From decapitated heads to sour-sipping hipsters, Mexico has certainly caused quite the stir lately. Here are the weirdest headlines to come out of the fascinating country of Mexico this week.
Mexico City lake resources are depleting, and the result is not pretty for a not so pretty animal. The wild axolotl is facing extinction as a result of environmental destruction.
While the United States and Cuba have a complicated past and an unpredictable future, it seems like there is some 'progress' with records indicating that Cubans are taking advantage of a travel reform that went into effect last year around this time.
The plans for a long-sought after high-tech, high-speed rail line between the United States and Mexico just took a step forward, as officials from Texas and Mexico held a high level meeting on Thursday with the U.S. Department of Transportation in Washington, D.C.
Border patrol agents are getting creative when it comes to protecting the U.S. border. In fact, they have turned to new and advance technology to facilitate the prevention of smuggled drugs and people into the United States. The robot age is here; hope they don't turn on us like they did on "I Robot" ahh! (These robots aren't that advance, not to worry).
According to a new report from The New York Times, citing National Security Agency documents, "computer experts and American officials," the NSA has an ability to gain access to computers and alter their software remotely, using radio waves.
Lea Michele gets "Louder" than ever in a new Twiter pic leaving little to the imagination. The "Glee" star took to her social media account to declare total freedom while wearing a tiny bikini while in Mexico. Leaving the sadness and pain of 2013 behind, Lea vows to have a fresh new start in 2014.
"Zombie" flesh-eating drug desomorphine, the street name Krokodil (pronounced crocodile), which gives users an intense "zombie-like" high state -and the side effects are ulcerated skin and limbs- has struck again, and this time in Mexico. In a bizarre sequence of events, what initially was thought to be lacerations caused by a sexually transmitted infection, turned out to be harm caused when a teenage girl injected the drug into her genitals.
Dangerous radioactive material, used in cancer-treating medicine, was stolen, along with the truck that was carrying the teletheraphy source containing cobalt-60. Tepojaco, a town in the central state of Hildago was the scene of the crime. The capital and six of Mexico's 31 states were put on alert on Dec. 3, and Mexican authorities were able to recover the material on Thursday of the same week, which had been abandoned in a field.
The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) published a study that reveals that Argentina has eradicated national hunger, but it also ranks as the third highest Latin American country in obesity.