The United States Border Patrol released a horrifying video of smugglers dropping a 5-year-old girl and a 3-year old girl at a 14 feet high border barrier, abandoning the migrant children in the New Mexico desert in the middle of the night.
A Mexican man was arrested for allegedly smuggling into the United States 13 migrants who unfortunately died in a car crash near the border early this month.
The latest revision of the Mexican health ministry on the country's COVID-19 death toll has placed Mexico as the second with the highest COVID deaths globally.
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador devised ramped up vaccination efforts as the country currently chases time after Mexico's COVID deaths spiked to more than 200,000.
United States President Joe Biden dispatched a high-level team to Central America and Mexico for the administrations involved in the ongoing border dispute.
One of the notorious Mexican cartels is the Jalisco New Cartel Generation, which is known for its aggressive use of violence and its public relations campaigns.
Earlier, the White House, through press secretary Jen Psaki, has said U.S. President Joe Biden has made clear that he aims to ensure that the vaccines are accessible to every American, without any intent as of the moment to share doses to neighboring countries.