California lawmakers took another step towards raising the state's minimum wage on Monday when the Senate approved a proposal to increase the hourly rate to $11 in 2016 and $13 in 2017.
Employees at Gravity Payments were stunned to learn on Monday that everyone at the company would begin earning $70,000 regardless of their job position while their CEO is taking a huge pay cut.
President Barack Obama stated several times for Congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour, and a new report reaffirmed his bid can come to fruition through state levels or executive action.
Following the decision by Seattle's Democrat-controlled City Council to increase the city's minimum wage to $15 an hour last month, several Seattle businesses banded together to repeal the newly enacted law.
The company's average wage in the U.S. expected to be $3.51 higher than federal minimum IKEA is the latest retailer to up its company-wide minimum wage for U.