Nicolas Maduro

'The Liberator' Film 2014: Simon Bolivar Biopic Released in Venezuela [Watch]

Edgar Ramirez plays the Venezuelan liberator in a blockbuster film unlike any other in Latin American cinematographic history.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Says Nation Will Shelter Palestinian Children

Maduro has promised to build an orphanage for Palestinian children and will ask permission from the Palestinian state to find Venezuelan foster parents for some children.

Venezuela Protests News: US Bans Officials for Human Rights Violations, Says Government Used 'Excessive' Force

On Wednesday, the U.S. State Department announced that it revoked visas from some Venezuelan government officials who seem to have violated human rights.

Venezuelan Opposition Leader Leopoldo Lopez Goes to Court

The leader of the Popular Will Party sees a courtroom after five months of imprisonment to begin his trial.

Panama News & Election: Juan Carlos Varela Sworn in as President, Promises to Reduce Crime

President Varela gives gangs one month to put down their arms Juan Carlos Varela on Tuesday was sworn in as president of Panama in the capital city's soccer stadium, in front of thousands of his new constituents, according to a report from Fox News.

Venezuela News, Facts & Protests: President Nicolas Maduro Opposes US Sanctions, Gets Support From Russia

Venezuela continues to oppose any potentials sanctions by the United States. Instead, President Nicolas Maduro has chastised the U.S. government for threatening the use of sanction, however, the Obama administration has asked Congress to stall them in favor of negotiations.

Venezuela Protests News Update: Maduro Government Implents Food Card and Increased Minimum Wage, But Detains Foreigners

Three months since protests began rocking Venezuela, the Maduro government continues to battle unrest as well as hardships angering the protesters. However, the government's latest actions are not enough to quell the ire of protesters and have instead incited further international discontent.

Venezuela News and Protests: Can President Nicolás Maduro Control the Country With Poverty?

Poverty is perhaps one way to control the poor people of Venezuela. Poverty is perhaps one way to control the poor people of Venezuela. Since January, there has been civil unrest, protests democratic and political instability, as well as a growing number of poor people in Venezuela.

Venezuela Protests News Update: Moves Toward Economic Reform Could Help As Maduro Accuses US Officials of Encouraging Violence

Diplomatic moves by Venezuela and economic reform may signal a shift in the troubled country. One month after the deadly mass protests began in the Venezuela capital, the opposition and government security forces continue to clash in streets all over Venezuela, and the death toll has reached 28.

Venezuela News Update: "March of the Empty Pots" International Women's Day Protest Ended Early By Riot Police

Venezuela continues to be engulfed in protests. To commemorate the International Women's Day, a new protest was planned for Saturday March 8 in which protestors marched to object the failures of the Maduro administration and the dire situation in Venezuela. The past week has seen diplomatic developments that complicate the situation for both the opposition and the government of President Maduro.

Mardi Gras, Carnival, and Opposition Protests Against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro

Reuters reported that government leaders urged Venezuelans to skip protests in lieu of traditional trips to the beach during the Carnival holiday. Venezuelan television was apparently filled with descriptions of young people sitting beachside, celebrating in honor of the holiday, despite protests in the streets.

Jimmy Carter Visits Venezuela Protests: Former President Plans on Visiting Country Amid Riots

Venezuela's unrest is heating up and everyone thinks they have a solution to stop the madness. Venezuela's unrest is heating up and everyone thinks they have a solution to stop the madness.

Venezuela Protesters vs. President Nicolás Maduro: What Outcome Should The World Expect?

Venezuela is a country in turmoil and its political landscape may be forever changed. Venezuela is a country in turmoil and its political landscape may be forever changed.

Venezuela Expels Three U.S. Diplomats Over Alleged 'Sabotage' Plot, U.S. Defends Its Stance

Venezuela has announced it is expelling three US diplomats, whom it accuses of plotting to sabotage the economy, according to BBC News.

Bolivia, Venezuela and Nicaragua Offer Edward Snowden Amnesty

Bolivia has joined Venezuela and Nicaragua in extending an offer of amnesty to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

American Officials Shot in Venezuela During Altercation Outside Caracas Nightclub

Two American officials at the U.S. embassy in Caracas, Venezuela were shot in an altercation outside a local nightclub early Tuesday morning.