Open Internet

Is Good? Only If It Allows for Its Own Eventual Demise -- Opinion

Critics argue that Mark Zuckerberg's initiative isn't a charity, but rather a method of control. Zuckerberg can turn that around and prove his global connectivity project is truly good, but only by allowing the places he's connecting to eventually make his service irrelevant.

FCC's Tom Wheeler Confident Net Neutrality Rules Will Defeat Court Challenges

Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the FCC, expressed confidence late in the week after the first lawsuit against the agency's new, stronger Net Neutrality-mirroring Open Internet policy was filed.

Deeper Than Net Neutrality: The Other Big FCC Decision This Week

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted on Thursday to adopt a strong legal foundation for new Open Internet regulations, which mirror the principals of Net Neutrality.

Net Neutrality Vote FCC Results: President Obama, Democrats Praise FCC on Net Neutrality Vote; Republicans Blast Decision

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has voted on new "Open Internet" policies, and politicians from the Legislative and Executive Branches have mixed reactions to the decision.

FCC Adopts Strong Net Neutrality Rules, Treating Internet Providers Like Utilities

On Thursday morning, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted on a new Open Internet policy, grounded by strong federal authority that treats Internet service providers similarly to utilities. Adoption of the new rules -- which prevent ISPs from blocking or slowing any lawful Internet traffic or charging companies like Netflix for faster delivery -- is considered a victory for Net Neutrality advocates.

Op-Ed: Historic FCC Open Internet Vote A Boon For Latino Entrepreneurs, Content Creators, Consumers

In a February 24th opinion piece, Jose Marquez, the President and CEO of Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association (LISTA), opined that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler's proposed Open Internet rules that would prevent blocking, throttling, and paid fast lanes online would, inexplicably, harm Latinos. The FCC is set to vote on these rules on February 26th.

Net Neutrality: FCC Chair Tom Wheeler Proposes Strict Utility-like Regulations for Internet Providers

Today Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, put to rest any doubt that the agency charged with regulating the infrastructure of the Internet plans to do so based on the strongest legal foundation available. It's victory for Net Neutrality advocates, to the chagrin of Internet service providers.

FCC vs ISPs: Upcoming Net Neutrality Vote a Moment of Truth, or Just the Beginning of Another Fight?

About one month from now on February 26, the Federal Communications Commission will vote on new Open Internet rules that govern Internet Service Providers. But what looks like the moment of truth for Net Neutrality debate may be just the beginning of more quarrelling between ISPs and the FCC.

FCC Chair Tom Wheeler Asserts Independence, After Obama Weighs in on Net Neutrality

It seems Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler is saying "thanks, but no thanks" to President Obama's Net Neutrality advice.

The Latest FCC Net Neutrality Proposal Pleases None by Trying to Satisfy All

It seems Tom Wheeler can't catch a break: His latest attempt to charm both sides of the contentious Net Neutrality debate has seemingly pleased no one.

Internet Slowdown Day Hits as FCC's Tom Wheeler Hints at Neutrality Rules for Wireless

On Wednesday, Netflix, Digg, Reddit, Tumblr, and many others took part in an online protest reminiscent of the 2011 anti-SOPA action to protest against the Federal Communications Commission's planned new Open Internet policy and the "fast lanes" proposal associated with it. Meanwhile, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler hinted this week at expanding Net Neutrality-type protections to wireless broadband.

Vast Majority of Open Internet Comments to FCC Were Pro Net Neutrality - Study

The Sunlight Foundation released a study on the FCC Open Internet comments this week. What did they find? An overwhelming majority of the public is in favor of Net Neutrality, unsurprisingly.

Net Neutrality: FCC Extends Open Internet Comment Period to September 15

The U.S. Federal Communication Commission decided it would continue to accept comments on its Open Internet rules until September 15, which gives the public a little more time to submit their opinion on whether or not the new proposed framework does enough to protect a free and open Internet.

So Few Handwritten Anti-Net Neutrality FCC Comments, They Don't Even Show Up in Analysis Infographic

The public response to the Federal Communications Commission's open comment period for its controversial reformulation of its formerly Net Neutrality-friendly Open Internet rules has been huge -- the highest ever for an FCC policy procedure. Now one analysis of the comments shows the vast majority were pro-Net Neutrality. And there were so few unique "anti" comments, they don't even register on the analysis' infographic.

FCC Announces Open Internet Roundtables, Senator Says It's Not Enough

Late last week, the Federal Communications Commission announced it was going to do a series of roundtable discussions about the Open Internet. It would be hosted in the FCC's Washington D.C. offices and streamed on the Internet. Now Senator Patrick Leahy is telling the FCC that's not enough.

FCC Net Neutrality Debate Causes Split, Tensions Among Latino Groups

The FCC Net Neutrality debate has caused division between minority and Latino advocacy organizations, sparking a war of words between two, in particular.

Latino Watchdogs Call for Strongest Net Neutrality as First FCC Open Internet Comment Deadline Expires

Latino watchdogs and advocacy groups are putting a lot of pressure on the FCC over Net Neutrality and its proposed new Open Internet rules.

FCC's Tom Wheeler Wants to Eliminate Community Broadband-Killing State Laws

Chairman Tom Wheeler, of the Federal Communications Commission, has hinted that the agency might be interested in increasing Internet broadband competition by stopping local and state laws, often imposed with pressure by big incumbent Internet service providers, that outlaw municipal broadband.

John Oliver's Call to Net Neutrality Trolls Crashes FCC Servers

To help protect net neutrality, comedian John Oliver on his HBO show Last Week Tonight called on internet lovers to do what they do best: trolling. The result? They probably crashed the FCC's servers.

Progressive Group Keeps Net Neutrality Pressure on FCC With New Video

The same group that brought us the strong message from Senator Al Franken calling net neutrality the "free speech issue of our time," the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) and, is keeping up the pressure against "fast lanes." This time, they're targeting a younger audience.

Steve Wozniak Calls for Net Neutrality, but Would Apple Be Okay with 'Fast Lanes'?

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak published an open letter on Tuesday calling the current action on Net Neutrality one of the "most important times ever" for the FCC. At the same time, reports that Apple has made interconnection deals with ISPs might indicate that the company he helped found doesn't have a problem with the proposed "fast lanes" of the internet.