
PALABRAS: Puerto Rican Novelist Margy Millet Loves Hollywood Endings, Paranormal Worlds

Puerto Rican-born novelist Margy Millet has long been attracted to contemporary romance, classic Hollywood endings, and the creation of paranormal worlds. So far, the author of "Daughter's Revenge" and "My Vampire, My King" has only published three books that employ these elements, but there are many more novels planned.

PALABRAS: Inaugural Poet Richard Blanco Follows His Spirit, Creative Curiosities

Richard Blanco, author of "City of a Hundred Fires" and "The Prince of Los Cocuyos: A Miami Childhood," is "a reluctant poet" who habitually seizes the adoration of the American public with winning, relatable poetry. With a great deal of success under his belt already, the 47-year-old inaugural poet is just getting started.

PALABRAS: Author Jennine Capó Crucet Writes for Self-Gratification, Not Validation

Jennine Capó Crucet, author of the celebrated short story collection "How to Leave Hialeah" and the exceptional novel "Make Your Home Among Strangers," is humble, modest, methodical and hilarious -and puts all of that into her work.

PALABRAS: Brooklyn-Born Author Theresa Varela Allows Her Character to Tell Their Own Stories

Brooklyn-born author Theresa Varela ("Nights of Indigo Blue" and "Covering the Sun With My Hand") took the scenic route to finding her identity as an author. A psychiatric nurse practitioner by day and an engrossed novelist by night, Varela's characters whisper to her, and inspire their own making.

PALABRAS: Children's Lit Writer Uses 'Bifurcated Upbringing' to Preserve Puerto Rican Culture

Yadhira Gonzalez-Taylor, attorney and author of "Martina Finds a Shiny Coin" and "Martina and the Wondrous Waterfall," uses her "bifurcated upbringing" to create stories that preserve and hearten Puerto Rican culture.

PALABRAS: 'Conversations With My Skin' Author Peggy Robles-Alvarado Creates Defiant, Charming Poetry

Dominican and Puerto Rican New York City educator and acclaimed author Peggy Robles-Alvarado sets standards and defies odds. Her collections of poetry, "Conversations With My Skin" and "Homenaje a las guerreras" (Homage to the Warrior Women), which are heavily marked thoughts on identity, sensuality and spirituality, prove this.

PALABRAS: Historical Fiction Author Alma Rodriguez Publishes Family History, Tales of Cultural Identity

Alma P. Rodriguez, former educator and author of "Los Marmolejos: The Dance of the Alleles Vol. 1" is a novelist who is committed to sharing rich stories about family history, and passionate tales about the origin of identity.

PALABRAS: Award-Winning Author Jennifer De Leon Reflects Upon Lessons Learned as a Writer

Jennifer De Leon, educator and author of "Home Movies" and "The White Space" has always loved stories. Since toddlerhood, she's loved listening to stories, writing them and telling them, and while her parents weren't educators or writers, they were great storytellers, who easily articulated warm stories about their home nation, Guatemala.

PALABRAS: Award-Winning Illustrator and Author Joe Cepeda Took Serpentine Route to Art

Joe Cepeda, the Los Angeles-born illustrator of awarding-winning picture books, is also an author, a former engineer and a masterful pictorial storyteller.

PALABRAS: Author Daniel Gutierrez Teaches Value of Honesty, Peace, and Spirituality

Daniel Gutierrez is a motivational speaker and the author of the "Stepping Into Greatness: Success Is Up To You" and "Fifty Lessons I Learned on my Path to Peace and Tranquility." Beyond that, the humorous, charismatic and painstakingly honest thought leader has made openness and transformation his life's work.

Author Sergio Troncoso Shares Incredible Truths About the Border and Storytelling

Sergio Troncoso, author of "From This Wicked Patch of Dust" and "The Nature of Truth," was born to a legacy of storytellers, writers and educators, and he was obliged to follow suit and tell incredible truths and stories through writing --even if his grandfather warned him against it.

Author Pam Muñoz Ryan Describes Journey From Rejection to New York Times Bestseller List

New York Times Bestselling Author Pam Muñoz Ryan has penned more than 25 phenomenal books, including "Esperanza Rising," "Becoming Naomi Leon" and "Echo." The incomparable author has been putting her pen to work for over 20 years, and she still has plenty of magical, edifying and charming tales to tell.

Author Reyna Grande's Books 'Humanize' Immigration Experience

Reyna Grande, author of the critically acclaimed memoir "The Distance Between Us," endured a desolate and deprived early life, filled with abandonment. But decades later, the award-winning author has used her story as a tool to transform her life.

Author Brando Skyhorse Tackles Identity, Passing and Developing a Unique Writing Voice

Brando Skyhorse, author of acclaimed works "The Madonnas of Echo Park" and "Take This Man," has a great deal to say about passing, fiction and capturing one's own story. Armed with an original voice and a layered history involving the catch and release of identities, he has an interesting story to tell.

Sheila Sheeran, Author of 'Tu Peor Error: Materia Oscura,' Talks Benefits of Self-Publishing, Romantic Fiction

Sheila Sheeran, Spanish-language Puerto Rican author of "¿Te acostarías conmigo?" and "Tu Peor Error: Materia Oscura," was motivated toward authorship by her cumulative life experiences. Nearly 40-years-old, the daytime marketing executive borrows from her own life to fuel her provocative romantic fiction.

Paul Andreas Wunderlich, Author of 'Saga de una Flama Creciente,' is a Man of Medicine and Literature

Paul Andreas Wunderlich, Guatemalan-born and Texas-dwelling author of the Spanish-language fantasy series "Saga de una Flama Creciente," is a man of medicine and literature.

Cecilia Velástegui, Jetsetter and Author, Discusses Her Writing and 'The Serendipity of the Spanish Tongue'

Born high in the Andes Mountains in Quito, Ecuador at an altitude of 9,000 feet above sea level, author Cecilia Velástegui has found success as an author of adult and children's books due to her extensive travel, her chameleon nature and "the serendipity of the Spanish tongue."

'Barrio Imbroglio' Author Daniel Cubias Brings Humor to Latino Literature and the Detective World

Born in NYC and raised amid the Germanic culture of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, author Daniel Cubias was considered very exotic. He was the only Latino friend to countless kids, and his cousins were the only other Latinos he knew. That static upbringing helped to shape Cubias' perspective as a writer, sharpen his attentiveness to the progress of U.S. Latinos and urge him to examine his cultural identity.

Anthropologist and Author Adriana Páramo Examines the World Through Exploratory, Concerned Lens

Colombian-born author Adriana Páramo left her native country 23 years ago. Geographical exploration and global wandering shaped the way she sees the world and the way she describes it, and this has been made abundantly clear by her books, "My Mother's Funeral" and "Looking for Esperanza."

'Gaby, Lost and Found' Author Angela Cervantes Creates Diverse, Empowered Children Characters, Ties in Immigration

Angela Cervantes, author of "Gaby, Lost and Found," has employed her love of writing to pen the influence of friendship, animals, immigration and hope in the lives of children, by use of diverse and strong characters.

Santiago Vaquera-Vásquez, Author, Academic and Unapologetic Border-Crosser, Shares How Reading Shapes a Writer's Life

Santiago Vaquera-Vásquez, author, academic, unapologetic border-crosser and ex-DJ, was "made in Mexico but born in the U.S," or so he tells his students. His varied identities --Chicano, border-crosser and voracious reader-- has helped to shape his life as a writer.