Palabras Latino Author Series

Santiago Vaquera-Vásquez, Author, Academic and Unapologetic Border-Crosser, Shares How Reading Shapes a Writer's Life

Santiago Vaquera-Vásquez, author, academic, unapologetic border-crosser and ex-DJ, was "made in Mexico but born in the U.S," or so he tells his students. His varied identities --Chicano, border-crosser and voracious reader-- has helped to shape his life as a writer.

Award-Winning Author Rudy Ruiz Finds Inspiration By Offering Slices and Snapshots of the Latino Experience

Mexican-American social entrepreneur and the award-winning author of "Seven for the Revolution" Rudy Ruiz depicts yearning and suffering on the page with purpose and intrigue, converting backstory and conversations into thunderous, nuanced stories. And employs his social interests to create a more conscious, original story.

PALABRAS: Memoirist Emma Gomez Shares Life Experiences and Engages Readers with Unique Writing Style

"Emma Gomez: A Courageous Woman Displays True Grit" tells a harrowing story, one that focuses on the importance of smaller things, as well as burdens that people carry.

Author Chantel Acevedo Learned the Art of Narration From her Cuban Grandmother

Cuban stories that captured a young girl's childhood just after the turn-of-the-century, the subsequent whims of emigration and harrowing tales of motherhood fed author Chantel Acevedo. Acevedo's grandmother, who orated those stories, inspired the author to be a storyteller, and she taught her the language of a narrative.

PALABRAS: Award-Winning Author Helena Maria Viramontes Delves Into Love and Chicanos' Impact on Los Angeles

Helena Maria Viramontes, critically acclaimed author and professor, reinforces the belief that fiction can rise from experience and personal understanding, amass amid the memories of generations of Chicano families raised in East Los Angeles, and grow around the fervor of familial love that only words can attempt to capture.

PALABRAS: How Blogger & Author Rudy Ch. Garcia's Life Experiences Helped Form His Identity as Chicano Writer

In this edition of Latin Post's "Palabras" series, the delightful Rudy Ch. Garcia chats about his writing, and purposes of creating Chicano literature that doesn't confOrm to any rules.

PALABRAS: Sandra Cisneros, Author of 'The House on Mango Street,' Talks Libraries, Love, Photography, Spirituality, and Tattoos

Cisneros still has an enduring relationship with libraries. While she no longer treks to the library to find herself weighed down by borrowed literature (with much thanks to her assistant, who makes research trips for her), she continues to donate to libraries, contribute time to libraries, persuade young children to acquire library cards and patronizes the gift shop section of the library so she doesn't have to give the books back.

Chicana Novelist and Poet Ana Castillo Discusses Poetry, Fiction and the Xicanisma Experience

Chicana novelist and poet Ana Castillo who coined the term "Xicanisma" at a time when the lives of Chicanas were finally being formalized into writing.

'Bookworm' Author Angela Lang Discusses the Consumption of Books and Literature, Literally and Figuratively

Yo-yoing between birthplace Bogota, Colombia and New York City since the age of 18 sparked an insatiable need for author Angela Lang to travel. When she wasn't able to satisfy the urge to travel physically, she did so mentally: happily ingesting highly-imaginative Colombian literature and sauntering toward the great entryway of world creation, keeping one leg in the world of journalism the other in the world of literature