Patriot Act

Facebook Takes Advantage of Patriot Act Expiration, Allows Users to Use Encryption Codes

Facebook allows users to encrypt their data on public profiles, following the expiration of the Patriot Act.

Poll: Majority of Americans Back NSA's Bulk Data Collection

Most Americans support the federal government's bulk collection of telephone metadata first revealed by NSA leaker Edward Snowden, and they want Congress to reauthorize the program, CNN reported based on a poll it conducted along with the Opinion Research Corporation.

USA Patriot Act Expires: What Happened, Why It Matters, & What's Next

Thanks in large part to Sen. Rand Paul, at midnight on Sunday, the U.S. Senate let the Patriot Act expire, removing key controversial surveillance authorities from the National Security Agency. So what does that mean, and what's next?

2016 Presidential Race: Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul Vows to 'Force the Expiration' of the Patriot Act

Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul is gearing up for a major fight against the U.S. Patriot Act this Sunday.

Senate Republicans Push to Stop Reform to NSA Surveillance Programs

Republican supporters of NSA surveillance are pushing to stop Congress from passing legislation that would curb the U.S. government from prying into the lives of its citizens.

NSA Surveillance News: Rubio Backs Metadata Extension as Paul Threatens Filibuster

Republican presidential contenders Marco Rubio and Rand Paul this week butted heads over the NSA telephone metadata program, with the Florida senator backing an extension of the bulk-collection effort and his libertarian Kentucky colleague threatening a filibuster over the Patriot Act's possible reauthorization.

Why The Appeals Court Ruling Against NSA Domestic Spying Programs Comes At a Key Moment for Patriot Act

The tide seems to be turning against the U.S. National Security Agency's domestic surveillance programs, two years after Edward Snowden leaked controversial details on the agency's digital spying practices.

NSA Surveillance News: Second Circuit Court Rules NSA Metadata Collection Illegal

The federal government's telephone metadata collection program revealed by NSA leaker Edward Snowden is illegal, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday.

NSA GCHQ Surveillance: U.S.and British Spy Agencies Stole Images from Citizen's Webcams

Imagine if out of control government agencies were able to go against their countries constitutions and access your personal computer files?
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