Pokemon Sun and Moon Update

Celebrate "Pokemon Day" In Japan Filled With Exciting Events For Players Of Nintendo 3DS

As Japan marks their 21st anniversary of Pokemon, special events were launched from February 27 until March 6. Players are in for a treat as the legendary Pokemon and the special Pikachu is ready to be caught.

'Pokémon Sun and Moon' Update: Upcoming Poke Bank Update Times Out

The update is only available with Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon X, and Pokémon Y.

Pokémon Sun & Moon’s Latest News and Update: More Surprises Coming Soon

Pokémon Sun & Moon might come up with an update very soon. The company is also preparing to introduce a new device for the players.

New ‘Pokemon Sun & Moon’ Alola Friendly Battles – Banned Pokemon And Banned Moves Announced

'Pokemon Sun & Moon' Alola Friendly game to start January 27 to 29, 2017 with banned Pokemons and banned moves announced online. Special rules apply to Alola competitiions and players are only allowed to use Pokemons from the Alola Pokedex.

'Pokemon Sun & Moon' Update: Full-fledged Pokédex And Postgame Guide Launching In Feb 2017

The tremendous game Pokemon Sun & Moon will get an official full-fledged game guide in February 2017; Check out what will you get to see in the update

'Pokemon Sun And Moon' Updates: Magearna Debuts In The Game, Meloetta Enters 'Pokemon X & Y'

Pokemon Sun And Moon has been equipped with many new creatures. Magearna makes the latest debut in the game

Pokemon Sun And Moon Updates: Find Out How To Evolve Eevee

Let's check how to evolve Eevee Into Jolteon, Vaporeon, Sylveon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Espeon, Umbreon and Flareon
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