Proud Boys
Jan. 6 Proud Boys Defendant Christopher Worrell, Faces 10 Years in Prison

Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Gets Longest Prison Sentence for Any January 6 Defendant Yet

US Capitol Riot: Proud Boys Leader Slapped With Nearly Two Decades of Jail Time

Proud Boys Trial: Enrique Tarrio, 3 Others, Found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy During January 6

Proud Boys Trial: Lawyer Calls Far-Right Extremist Group Leader a 'Scapegoat' for Donald Trump

Ex-Proud Boys Leader Says Far-Right Group Saw January 6 Riot as Another 'American Revolution'

Proud Boys Led 'Coordinated Attack' in Democracy on January 6, Says Prosecutor

Former Proud Boys Leader, 4 Others Charged With Seditious Conspiracy Related to United States Capitol January 6 Attack
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