PS Plus

PS Plus Free Games for PS4, PS3 & PS Vita for June 2015 Revealed; List Include 'Metal Gear Solid 5' & More

Exciting games are in store for the members of Playstation's subscription service, PS Plus. Exciting games are in store for the members of PlayStation's subscription service, PS Plus.

PS Plus Discounted Games for PS4 & PS3: ‘Extended Play’ List Includes ‘Battlefield Hardline’ & ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Ultimate Edition’

Numerous triple AAA titles are on sale for as low as 80 percent off from the original price at the Extended Play Sale of the PlayStation Store.

Three Trending Games for PS4 That Share Indie Origins: Strike Suit Zero, Fez, and Pure Chess All Highly Addicting

Best Indie Games for PS4 Currently five indie games are featured on the PlayStation Store and they're worth your attention. The five titles include: Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut, Fez, Pure Chess, Octodad: Deadliest Catch, and Cel Damage HD.

PS4 vs. Xbox One Availability, Games, News, Price, Comparison 2013: Where to Find Game Consoles Before Christmas?

Looking for a shiny new Microsoft Xbox One or Sony Playstation 4 to put under the tree this Christmas?
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