Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio has criticized Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama for North Korea's experimentation with a hydrogen bomb.
The U.S. is in far greater danger than it was when President Barack Obama entered the White House, according Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio, who detailed his national security plan on Monday.
Latinas Have the Most to Lose Under Republican PresidentWe've heard a lot about the GOP War on Women and the GOP War on Latinos, but we haven't spent enough time focusing on the intersection of these groups: Latinas.
Sen. Lindsey Graham’s, R-S.C., presidential campaign suspension was expected, but it is still considered a blow to bipartisan immigration reform advocates.
Polling data among millennial respondents showed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton comfortably defeating GOP front-runner Donald Trump in a hypothetical race.
Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz finally confronted their respective stance on immigration, with each accusing the other senator of providing legalization or amnesty.
Ahead of Tuesday evening’s Republican presidential debate, Latino advocates and groups are further dissecting the GOP’s “extreme” and “hateful” rhetoric on the campaign trail.
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of Rep. Luis Gutierrez and reiterated her immigration stance despite activists protesting her policies.
Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio has long criticized the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but reports indicate his family has health insurance by the same law.
Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley conveyed his message of ending immigrant detention centers in Arizona on Thursday, while also hitting back at Donald Trump’s latest rhetoric toward immigrants.