
GOP Congressman Pledges Support for Marriage Equality

Another GOP lawmaker backs marriage equality, despite the party's obstinate stance against it. The Republican Party has always been adamantly opposed to marriage equality as part of their official platform.

Hillary Clinton President Campaign 2016: Former Secretary of State Talks Candidacy at ASU

The Clinton clan participated in a forum at Arizona State University on Saturday night as part of the Clinton Global Initiative University, which partners with various U.S. universities.

Tale of Two Tussling Houses: Immigration Reform Tabled as Republican-Controlled House of Reps Fued with White House

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) recently publicized that Republicans were not likely to touch immigration reform this year, despite bipartisan promises made and mounting outrage from Immigration Reform protesters.

Fake Democratic Candidate Websites: Clever Bait-and-Switch Tactic Pads GOP Coffers

Fancy yourself a Democrat? Fancy yourself a Democrat? Do you contribute to your favorite candidates campaign fund online? If those two statements sound like you, take heed.

Immigration Reform: California Republican Rep. Denham Joins Democrats in Support of Overhaul Bill

House Republicans have stood firm on their conservative stance involving immigration reform, but California Republican Rep. Jeff Denham has made it clear that stalling isn't the solution. In an effort to get the wheels in motion, he's reaching across the aisle to Democrats by backing the immigration overhaul bill.

Obamacare Bill: Republicans Threaten Government Shutdown to Defund Healthcare Bill

Barack Obama called Republicans out, on Thursday, for compromising a government shutdown, and possibly causing a debt default, in their newest attempt to oust Obamacare.
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