
Will The World Have to Say Goodbye To Salsa?

Salsa is an essential part of Latino dishes, but this staple sauce could soon no longer be seen on Latino tabletops as its primary ingredients -- tomatoes and chilis -- are feared to go extinct.

The 15 Highest-Paying Jobs in the U.S. In 2017

All of these jobs are paying six figures a year. You wanna be a billionaire so bad? You may want to consider becoming a physician or studying law, according to the latest list of high-paid jobs in 2017 on Buisness Insider.

Craving Chocolate? Your Addiction Might Mean You Need Dad´s Love

Science reveals that urge for chocolate says a lot about our relationships with father figures. Latinos are no strangers to the old wives' tales passed on by family and relatives.

We're Older Than We Think: New Fossils Change Ideas Of Human Evolution

We still don't know how Bigfoot fits into this. A recent discovery of fossils at Jebel Irhoud, an excavation site in Morocco, are throwing scientists for a loop about the original birthplace and dispersal of our ancestors.

New NASA Probe Aims To Touch The Sun

The unmanned mission will go to the hottest spot in our solar system. NASA is set to make a big announcement Wednesday about its mission to send an unmanned scientific probe directly into our Sun’s atmosphere, where the spacecraft will face extreme levels of radiation and temperatures of over 2500 degrees Fahrenheit.

Goodbye Drones: Robot Overlords Reportedly Introduced By Plant Biologists

With decreasing costs of using drones and robots, plant biologists are now using these mechanical and electronic tools to study more and improve yields of plants.

The Astonishing Science Behind the Desert's Mysterious Fairy Circles

A team of scientists claim to crack the mystery behind the desert’s mysterious fairy circles by revealing that it’s a matter of survival between plants and tiny insects.

Flowing Rivers Of Stars Link Magellanic Clouds Around Milky Way Galaxy

Astronomers discovered “rivers of stars” linking the Magellanic Clouds that orbit the Milky Way Galaxy, giving scientists an idea of how galaxies and other heavenly bodies act at the edge of the Milky Way.

7 Common Myths About Science & Health Gonna Busted At The End Of 2016

Scientists proved wrong 7 misconceptions about Science and health throughout this year. There are so many & most common misconceptions about science & health, that believed by people for years.

Climate Change Being Made More Personal and Economically Relevant to Americans

Burden of proof rests now on scientists shoulder to prove that human activities are liable or if not contributed a lot for climate change and the necessity of this proof is urgent.

Early Job Satisfaction is About More Than Money: Study Shows Correlated Health Impacts by Midlife

Sociology experts at Ohio State University recently unveiled the results of a nationwide study that found a correlation between job dissatisfaction in the early years of one's career to a significant negative impact on health by the time an individual hits age 40.

Here's Why Science Can Be Phony, Sometimes, According to 'Last Week Tonight' with John Oliver

Last Week Tonight's John Oliver recently took on the world of phony science in his weekly show, outlining and detailing all that is wrong with modern day science and the audience's exposure to it. Here are some takeaways from his entertaining show.

Brothers Shock Doctors With Condition That Puts Them in Vegetative State at Night

This is one of the strangest and most puzzling medical conditions doctors have ever faced. Two brothers from Pakistan, nicknamed "solar boys," have amazed and puzzled doctors with their unique medical condition that has them behaving normally during the day but when night comes they become paralyzed.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ News: Neil DeGrasse Tyson Fact-Checks New Film

Neil DeGrasse Tyson has admitted to fact-checking the new “Star Wars” film. Neil deGrasse Tyson admitted on Monday, Dec. 21 that he fact-checked the new "Star Wars" film.

Colistin-Resistant Bacteria Raises Prospect of Antibiotic Apocalypse, Return of Medical Dark Ages

A bacteria stain was found in U.K. that is antibiotic resistant. An alarming bacteria strain which could resist colistin (which is the most common antibiotic of last resort) has been discovered in the U.

Milk Collected from ‘Sleepy Cows’ Reduces Anxiety, Induces Sleep Better, Says Study

Milk from sleepy cows provides better health benefits in terms of insomnia and anxiety. Drinking a glass of warm milk is known to induce sleep. But a report which was released by Fox News stated that milk collected from "sleepy cows" are better in terms of inducing sleepiness as it has calming effects.

New Blood Test Builds Hope on Ovarian Cancer Early Detection, Higher Survival Rate

New blood test can decrease the chances of ovarian cancer. Just last Thursday, Fox News reported that a study which was published in The Lancet focused on 200,000 post-menopausal women within the ages of 50 to 74 for a span of 14 years.

NASA to Announce Mars Has Seasonal Flowing Water: Is Life Possible on Red Planet?

NASA released a press statement on Thursday, Sept. 24 indicating that big news about Mars was to come on Monday.

Ancient Fossils Reveal Early Human Ancestors Had Chimp-Like Hearing Abilities

Scientists have used ancient human ear fossils to gain new insights into when modern humans developed our hearing pattern over the course of evolution.

Costa Rica Wild Life Experts Stop Tourists’ Selfies During Sea Turtle Nesting Season

Wildlife experts from Costa Rica have slammed tourists for recently taking selfies with sea turtles at a Costa Rican beach during the turtles’ nesting season.

Alien & UFO Sighting: Mysterious Animal Corpse Near River by Power Plant in Russia

Experts in Russia are struggling to identify a creature they found on the banks of a river near a power plant in the town of Sosnovy Bor.