Star Wars

Darth Vader’s Journey From 'Revenge of the Sith' and 'Rogue One'

With the release of Rogue One, fans were able to see Darth Vader once again. With his display of great power, many may ask what he was up to during the gap between Episode III and Rogue One.

Star Wars Update: Vader Plans Between 'Revenge of the Sith' and 'Rogue One' Finally Unveiled

Despite the short appearance on Rogue One, Star Wars fans were wondering where the iconic Darth Vader had been all these years. With that being said, a lot of Star Wars theorists provided their answers.

‘Star Wars: Episode 8’ Finds Rey on a Test before Jedi Training; Takes a Page from Original Trilogy

With less than a year before the release of Episode 8, leaks and rumors are spreading like wildfire. In this recent leak, it tells of Rey facing a challenge before officially becoming Luke’s padawan.

Carrie Fisher Done Filming ‘Star Wars: Episode VIII’ in July – Professional Actress Till She Passed Away

Carrie Fisher has wrapped up for 'Star Wars: Episode VIII' but her death will not be felt till episode 9 of the franchise. She has done several projects this 2016 including a memoir 'The Princess Diarist.'

‘Star Wars: Episode 8’ Trailers to Arrive in Spring 2017; Action Scenes Confirm Knights of Ren Clash

Many were looking forward for an Episode 8 trailer upon Rogue One’s release, which is not coming until next spring. Also, rumors about an action scene shot in Ahch-To may confirm the rumors about Luke’s meeting with Kylo Ren’s team.

Goodbye Princess Leia! – Carrie Fisher Dies at 60; ‘The Force is Dark Today’

Carrie Fisher, known for her role as Princess Leia has died today at the age of 60. She suffered from a heart attack and was survived by her mother, daughter, family and her faithful companion French bulldog.

Carrie Fisher Dies at 60 Following Heart Attack; Mark Hamill Devastated

Billie Lourd, daughter of actress Carrie Fisher, announced her mother's passing at 8:55 am Tuesday. Failing to recover from a recent heart attack, Hollywood mourns the loss of another great actress.

Star Wars Spoilers: 'Rogue One Rebels' Easter Eggs Confirmed!

Avid fans and movie junkies have been repeatedly reviewing the recently release Rogue One: A Start Wars Story movie. The reason for this is that, according to reports, there have been Easter eggs spotted that would equate the movie towards the Star Wars Rebels cartoon.

‘Star Wars: Episode 8’ News & Updates: Billie Lourd’s Connix will play an important role

With Billie Lourd’s confirmation that her Connix will play a bigger role in Star Wars: Episode 8, rumors about the reappearance of Resistance and its bases are rife. Find out more here!

Star Wars: Rogue One: The prequel that revealed Luke Skywalker’s placement in A New Hope

A Rogue One presents fans and audience with a glimpse of the past and more than that. Fans of the Star War's franchise are surely in big smiling faces as the latest film is released which is Rogue One.

Han Solo receives a light saber in Star Wars fan film

A fan-made film of Han Solo showed us how Star Wars would be with the handsome smuggler wielding a lightsaber.

Experience Japan's Star Wars Smartphones During the Christmas Season And Beyond

Star Wars smartphones are now in Japan this December as the Rogue One’s release draws near. In Japan, SoftBank Corp is releasing its very own Star Wars phone in magnificent pair.

'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' Latest News: Film's docu style slugs production, Director Gareth Edwards says

A new film of the Star Wars franchise will open in theaters in less than a week. Director Gareth Edwards offer a few words on the reported turbulence with Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Find out more here!

Gareth Edwards To Direct Another Star Wars Film? Rogue One Star Wars Update

Star Wars Rogue One has revealed its latest clips as Gareth Edwards the director shares his experience.

'Star Wars' Looking For Female Directors, Lucasfilm Chief Says To Pull When Time Is Right

Lucasfilm chief Kathleen Kennedy says finding a woman to direct next films of Star Wars franchise is her priority. Find out more here!

Will 'Star Wars' have a female director? Kathleen Kennedy has the answer

Lucasfilm chief Kathleen Kennedy made a comment about female directors that triggered mixed reactions.

Star Wars Episode 8 Spoilers, Latest Updates: Alleged Video Reveals Luke Skywalker's Decent?

Star Wars Episode 8 spoilers, latest updates: Alleged leaked video reveals Luke Skywalker's decent?

'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' tickets on sale on Monday, exclusive merchandise available at Atom Tickets

In partnership with Disney, Atom Tickets will be offering a promotional sale for "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" starting Monday. Get to know the details here!

Star Wars Episode 8 Cast, Spoilers: Warwick Davis confirmed; What character will he play?

The British actor and Star Wars veteran Warwick Davis has appeared in three Star Wars films, including Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace and The Force Awakens. It seems that Wicket the Ewok has confirmed his role and all ready for this year’s spin-off entry, Rogue One.

Star Wars: Rogue One Characters, Plot Theories: Darth Vader confirmed; Director Krennic plays main villain?

"Star Wars: Rogue One" new theory states that the film will build up Darth Vader before his big scene. Director Orson Krennic plays the big baddie in the spin-off movie releasing in December.

Star Wars Episode 8 Spoilers: 5 Things Carrie Fisher Revealed During Star Wars Celebration Panel

Carrie Fisher is without a doubt one of the biggest icons in film as she created the role of Princess Leia and has since been recognized as Leia. During a Panel with Warwick Davis, Fisher spoke about her journey and her work on "Star Wars." The following are five things that Fisher revealed at the "Star Wars Celebration."