Steven Moffat

'Doctor Who' Series 10 Spoilers: EP Steven Moffat Tackle Whitewashed & Race; The Doctor & Bill To Faced Mysterious Monster

"Doctor Who" season 10 episode 3 is expected that The Doctor will be visiting the past with Bill. The two are going in the London era specifically in 1814 and a big event is bound to happen.

'Doctor Who' Introduces Pearl Mackie's Bill Potts - Doctor's First Gay Companion

Peter Capaldi's last season in "Doctor Who" will be a historic event. Pearl Mackie is coming to "Doctor Who" and she is historically the first gay companion of the doctor.

‘Sherlock’ Season 5 News And Update: Cast And Crew Talks About The Possibility Of Another Season

There is no official news of 'Sherlock' coming back for Season 5, however the cast and co-creator didn't rule out the possibility either.

'Sherlock' Season 5: Mark Gatiss Explains Why He is Unfazed by Season 4 Fan Backlash; Fifth Season Rumors

Mark Gatiss is unfazed by the mixed reactions of fans for "Sherlock" season 4. Highly popular crime drama series "Sherlock" is one of the most anticipated shows from BBC.

‘Sherlock’ Season 4 Spoilers – Mary’s Betrayal, Sherlock Loses His Mind, First Photo Release and Trailer [WATCH VIDEO]

“Sherlock” Season 4 returns in Jan. 2017, a moment all fans have been waiting for. Show runners are slowly leaking photos for the next installment of the British drama series although writers and actors are trying their best to stay tight lipped about spoilers.

‘Doctor Who’ News: Peter Jackson Teases Directing an Episode [Watch]

A new video has been released that specifically addresses both "Doctor Who" and "The Lord of the Rings" director Peter Jackson. Watch it here.

BBC 'Sherlock' Season 4 and Special Episode Air Dates, Spoilers: Victorian-Era Special Might Not Air on Christmas

The forthcoming "dark and tragic" fourth season of "Sherlock" is years from being seen, but the Victorian-era special episode that's expected to air this Christmas should tide fans over, as they patiently await the arrival of the upcoming season.

‘Doctor Who’ Releases Electrifying New Trailer for Season 9 [Watch]

The new trailer for season 9 of "Doctor Who" has been released. See it here. In an exclusive debut at this year's Comic-Con event in San Diego, "Doctor Who" burst on the stage with their panel and released to the world their Season 9 trailer that features spectacular visuals and what can only be deemed as an amazing storyline that is coming up on Sept.

'Doctor Who' Cast News: Showrunner Says River Song, Captain Jack Harkness Storylines Are 'Never, Ever Closed Off'

The "Doctor Who" and "Torchwood" characters River Song and Captain Jack Harkness could return to the popular Time Lord series.

'Sherlock' BBC Season 4 Premiere & Air Date: Christmas Special Will Be 'Phenomenal' Says Benedict Cumberbatch

"Sherlock," the hit British BBC crime drama based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, may only have nine episodes in its three-season lifetime, but fans are feverishly craving the fourth season of the series, which series creators Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss have called "devastating."

Benedict Cumberbatch on BBC: Broadcasting Company Was Not Sold on Star, But Why?

BBC was not impressed when they first saw Benedict Cumberbatch. Women may go crazy for Benedict Cumberbatch, but the BBC wasn't so sure when it first found out that he would be Sherlock Holmes.
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