Thomas Perez

Verizon Strike News Update: Company Reaches Tenative Settlement With 36,000 Striking Workers To End Hiatus

Verizon has reached a tentative agreement with 36,000 striking workers, potentially ending a bitter six-week long dispute.

US Lawmakers Demand Labor Investigation of Mexico's Third Largest Retailer

A diverse range of Latino and non-Latino congressional lawmakers have called on U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Thomas Perez to investigate inappropriate labor practices by a Mexican grocery company.

US Latino Unemployment Rate Slips, But 13 Million Not in Labor Force

The U.S. Latino unemployment rate dropped based on October's jobs report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

US Unemployment Rate: Latino Unemployment Rate Slips, But Fewer Engaged in Labor Force

As the overall U.S. unemployment rate fell, the Latino unemployment rate also dropped but fewer Latinos are participating in the labor force.

President Obama Proposes Overtime Protections Expansion for Five Million Workers

The Obama administration announced Tuesday that the Department of Labor will propose a new rule that would extend overtime pay for up to five million American workers.

US Latino Unemployment Rate: 13 Million Latinos 'Not in the Labor Force' But May 2015 Hispanic Unemployment Declines

The U.S. Latino unemployment declined by 1-percentage point in comparison to May 2014, and economists have remained optimistic about the latest jobs report.

Labor Secretary Thomas Perez 'Thrilled' For Loretta Lynch Attorney General Confirmation, Talks Issues Affecting US Jobs

U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Thomas Perez praised the Senate’s confirmation vote of Loretta Lynch and addressed the country’s labor issues ranging from wages, Obamacare and unions.

US Latino Unemployment Rate: Latinos Job Rate Grew Faster Than Other Minorities, Unemployment Rate Down From Last Year

The U.S. Latino unemployment rate has reportedly decreased to its pre-Great Recession levels and has improved at a faster rate compared to other minority populations.

US Unemployment Rate 2015: Latino Unemployment Rate Surpasses National US Average

While the overall U.S. unemployment rate grew during January, the Latino unemployment also saw minor growth.

U.S. Latino Unemployment Rate Drops in November: More Latinos Employed Than Latinas, 1.7 Million Hispanics Unemployed

While the overall U.S. unemployment rate was unchanged for November at 5.8 percent, the Latino unemployment rate, however, did drop across the nation during the same period.

Immigration Reform Economy Benefits: Comprehensive Reform Is 'Economic Imperative' for US, Says Labor Secretary Thomas Perez

U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Thomas Perez identified immigration as one step to "shared prosperity" for the U.S. economy.

Latino Unemployment Rate in September 2014: Jobless Rate Falls to Lowest Point Since May 2008

While the overall U.S. unemployment rate dropped to its lowest levels in six years, the Latino unemployment rate also fell to a new low.

Are There No National Latino Leaders?

Once upon a time there was Mexican-American man by the name of César Chávez, a farm worker who became a civil rights leader and founded the United Farm Workers Union...and there was an inspirational woman named Dolores Huerta, also Mexican-American, who helped him do it. Then, there was a Colombian-American man by the name of Harry Pachon, who drew national attention to Latino issues, such as bilingual education, political engagement and immigration. To follow, there were a number of men and women who helped to mobilize change and enable success for Latinos in America. The End?
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