U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

US Jobs Report 2016 for May Reveals Latino Unemployment Rate Falls But More Aren't Working

The unemployment rate among U.S. Latinos dropped in May, but the number of Latinos not working increased.

US Jobs Report 2016: Latino Unemployment Rate Slips, but Millions Remain Jobless in February

The U.S. Latino unemployment rate dropped during February as labor force participation increased. The U. S. Latino unemployment rate dropped during February as labor force participation increased.

US Latino Unemployment Rate Slips, But 13 Million Not in Labor Force

The U.S. Latino unemployment rate dropped based on October's jobs report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Immigration News: Undocumented Immigrants' Labor Complements US Economy, Workforce

Latinos account for most of the foreign-born labor force in 2014, and the participation of undocumented immigrants do not affect the labor participation of U.S.-born citizens.

US Unemployment Rate: Latino Unemployment Rate Slips, But Fewer Engaged in Labor Force

As the overall U.S. unemployment rate fell, the Latino unemployment rate also dropped but fewer Latinos are participating in the labor force.

US Jobs Report June 2015: Latino Unemployment Rate Slips to 6.6 Percent But Millions Not Job Searching

The U.S. and Latino unemployment rate slipped based on May's jobs data. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), an agency within the U.S. Department of Labor, announced the overall unemployment rate decreased to 5.3 percent as 223,000 jobs were added.

US Latino Unemployment Rate Rises in March, More Latinas Unemployed Than Latino Males

While the overall U.S. unemployment went unchanged in March, last month did see an unemployment rate increase for the U.S. Latino community, according to the latest federal statistics.

US Unemployment Rate 2015: Latino Unemployment Rate Surpasses National US Average

While the overall U.S. unemployment rate grew during January, the Latino unemployment also saw minor growth.

US Unemployment Rate December 2014 Drops to 5.6 Percent: Latino Unemployment Rate Slips, But Increases Among Teen Workers

The last month of 2014 helped result a decline of the overall U.S unemployment and the country’s Latino unemployment rates.

Latino Unemployment Rate in September 2014: Jobless Rate Falls to Lowest Point Since May 2008

While the overall U.S. unemployment rate dropped to its lowest levels in six years, the Latino unemployment rate also fell to a new low.
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