u.s. economy

Undocumented Immigrants 'Threaten' Traditional US Beliefs, Customs and Economy, Says Poll

Polling data revealed Americans are "threatened" by undocumented immigrants coming into the U.S. The poll, conducted by Reuters and Ipsos, found 75 percent of Americans view undocumented immigrants as a problem for the country's beliefs and customs.

Obama Approval Rating Hits New Low: 4 in 10 Americans Approve Handling of Economy and 'Dissatisfied' with Immigrations Crisis

A majority of Americans believe the country is heading towards the wrong direction, and President Barack Obama's approval rating dropped to new lows.

Partnership for a New American Economy: Hispanic Entrepreneurs on the Rise

Despite national decline in self-employment, Hispanics saw an increase in 2012. Additonally, those who rallied Wednesday see huge economic benefits and a need to invite immigrants to the country to give the U.S. a competitive edge in the world.

Latino Millennial Males More Likely Underemployed Than Whites Despite More Work Experience

According to the Economic Policy Institute, the start of 2014 provided four million job openings, but there were 10.2 million job seekers. Young workers face "steeper" competition in the job market against older workers because they have less work experience.

Obama Job Approval Rating: Majority Disapprove of President's Performance, From Economy to Foreign Policy

President Barack Obama's approval rating continued to slip, according to new polling data. The poll also showed a majority of respondents believe the country is heading in the wrong direction.

Uber App: Average Income of UberX Driver in NYC Is Nearly $58,000 Higher Than Average US Taxi Driver

The Uber app service could reportedly help its drivers earn an income of nearly $100,000, much more than average taxi drivers.

US Unemployment Rate Drops for Latinos

Last month, the U.S. saw its unemployment rate drop to its lowest level since before the recession in 2008 as it went down from 6.7 percent in March to 6.3 percent.

U.S. Economy Adds 288,000 Jobs, Unemployment Rate Hits Lowest Point Since 2008

The economy added 288,000 jobs last month, signaling a drop in the jobless rate and a sign that the economy is continuing to improve.

The Entrepreneurial Power of Latinos and the Immigration Reform Narrative

The last ten years have observed the doubling of Hispanic-owned businesses, which has help to refurbish the national workforce and economy.

CNN Poll: Most Americans Say U.S. Economy in 'Overwhelmingly' Bad Shape; Pessimistic About Economic Future

CNN and ORC International released a poll on Friday that looks at the American economy by the numbers in relation to the conflicting perspective that most Americans have on the current economy.
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