Venezuela protests

Goldman Sachs’ Purchase of Venezuelan “Hunger Bonds” Incites Protests

Protesters gathered in front of Goldman Sachs Inc.’s headquarters in Manhattan to express their anger towards the purchase of Venezuelan government bonds.

Why Latin America Shouldn’t Be Ignored By Donald Trump

Even after over three months in the White House, Latin America and related issues and opportunities remain unnoticed by Donald Trump government

Anti- Maduro Protesters Clashed With Venezuela Police

The 4,000 anti-Maduro protesters clashed with the policemen n Venezuela after Henrique Capriles banned in the positon as Governor.

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro Calls for the Arrest of Opposition Leaders, Air Force Officers

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro recently ordered to arrest Caracas Mayor Antonio Ledezma, several opposition leaders and senior Venezuelan Air Force officers.

US Vice President Joe Biden Reps Says Accusations by President Nicolas Maduro Are Meant to Distract From Venezuela Problems

The United States has dismissed recent allegations by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro that accuse U.S. Vice President Joe Biden of conspiring to overthrow his government as "patently false" and a ploy to distract attention away from Maduro's abuse of power.

Venezuelan Opposition Leader Leopoldo Lopez Goes to Court

The leader of the Popular Will Party sees a courtroom after five months of imprisonment to begin his trial.

Venezuela News, Politics & Update 2014: Three Accused of Assassination Plot Against Venezuelan President

The three men accused are witnesses of an alleged plot against President Maduro and are wanted for questioning though one of the accused denies the allegations.

Secretary of State John Kerry Travels to Mexico to Discuss U.S. Role in Venezuela Crisis

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has traveled to Mexico to discuss the U.S.' role in the Venezuela crisis.

Venezuela News & Protests: Students Walk Barefoot To Protest Chavista Government on Easter

Protesters in Venezuela continued to march over Easter weekend against the Maduro government. Although the crowds marching on Caracas' streets are not the same as they were back in February when the protests began, the student protesters' demands remain the same. Three months of protests have not changed much in the South American nation, and the student protests this past weekend demonstrated the opposition's emotional reaction to the lack of progress.

Spain Stops Sending Riot Gear to Venezuela as Protests Escalate

Spain has stopped exporting riot-control gear to Venezuela's government, after weeks of mounting violence the South American country, with police meeting sustained protests by the political opposition.

Venezuelan 'Colectivos' Continue Violent Riot Across Nation

As civil unrest and instability continue to split Venezuela in two, opposition groups now face even more pressure as government loyalists unload their firearms at them, "Fox News" reported.

Venezuela News, Protests, & Update 2014: President Nicolás Maduro Under Fire as International Community Reacts; What Will Happen Next?

New developments in the Venezuela crisis puts the Maduro government in a tough situation. As protests continue in the streets of Venezuelan cities and with a higher death toll of 36, tides may have begun to shift.

U.S.-Venezuela Relations Continue to Suffer as Tourist Visas No Longer Offered to First Time Applicants

Disney World has fallen victim to the increased tension between the U.S. and Venezuela. It's no secret that U. S. -Venezuela relations have been crumbling for years, but now it appears that tensions are starting to boil over.

Protesters Describe Ongoing Violence and the Death of Bassil Da Costa

Hearing from students and other protesters has been hard, as Venezuelan media outlets refuse to broadcast what is happening on the streets of their country.

Venezuela Protests Go Global: Hundreds Gather In Florida To Support Home Country [SEE PHOTOS]

A Venezuelan-American protestor tells Latin Post about protests in the United States and shares photos from an event in Florida

Genesis Carmona Is the Second Beauty Queen Murdered in Venezuela, Fifth Fatality During Violent Protests

Miss Turismo 2013 Genesis Carmona, who was shot in the head on Feb. 18 during anti-government protests in Valencia, Venezuela, is the latest fatality that has brought the death toll to five in a just a week.

Venezuela Protests: Ricky Martin, Juan Pablo Galavis, Dayana Mendoza & Miguel Cabrera Tweet Their Support

Celebrities and professional baseball players are showing their support via Twitter for the people of Venezuela as violent protests have ensued and opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez emerged from days of hiding and surrendered to police before thousands of supporters on Tuesday.
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