Vikings Season 2 online

'Vikings' The History Channel TV Show Season 2: A Look Into the Blood Eagle Ritual and Why It's Important [WATCH]

Fans of the hit History television show Vikings will remember that a ritual was performed on Jarl Borg (played by Thorbjorn Harr) called the "Blood Eagle." In what was perhaps the most captivating part of the show (albeit the bloodiest), the execution of the traitor received rave reviews from critics. Meanwhile, the cast gave mixed reviews from from Borg's wife passing out, to Aslaug gasping in horror, to Lagertha watching with pride. So, what is the blood eagle? How important is it? Did it even really exist?

Watch Vikings T.V. Show Season 2 on History Channel: 'Vikings' Renewed For a Third Season

Fans of The History Channel's hit sleeper show, "Vikings," will be pleased to learn that the Powers That Be up at the History Channel have renewed the show for a third season!

Vikings T.V. Show Season 2 on History Channel: Alexander Ludwig talks Bjorn Ironsides; How Did The Sleeper Show Become So Successful?

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, "The Hunger Games" star Alexander Ludwig -- who currently plays Bjorn Ironsides on the hit History TV show "Vikings" -- talks about his role as Bjorn Ironsides, and also got us to thinking: how did this sleeper show, which really isn't talked about the way, say, "The Walking Dead" is, become so successful?

The History Channel 'Vikings' Season 2: Who Was the Real Rollo Lothbrook?

Ragnar Lothbrook is one of the most famous "Vikings" in history...but his brother, Rollo, is also a major player in the Viking saga. So, who is the real Rollo Lothbrook?

'Vikings' T.V. Series News and Update: Top 10 Vikings Myths, and What is Historically Accurate About the Show?

By now, we are all familiar with Vikings, either thanks to the hit show on the History Channel, or through various bits of history that we have learned in school. Vikings, like many other ancient societies, have a lot of myths and misconceptions attached to their facts. Here are the top 10 myths about Vikings, and what the show "Vikings" shows about real Viking life.

Vikings T.V. Show Season 2 on History Channel: Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Bjorn Ironside

We'll be catching up with our sea-faring marauders on Thursday, and we'll also be (re) introduced to Bjorn Ironside, aka Bjorn Jarnsida, the son of the great Ragnar Lothbrook and his (ex) wife Lagertha the shieldmaiden. Of course, as we know, the Vikings saga has fast-forwarded four years into the future, and the young pre-teen is now a warrior young man. But what should you know about the great Bjorn Ironside?

'Vikings' TV Show Season 2: Linus Roache, Former 'Law and Order SVU' Star, Becomes King Ecbert

When last we left our sea-faring Norsemen, Ragnar Lothbrook and his merry band of marauders washed upon the shores of Wessex in Britain. Ragnar came into the bathhouse of King Ecbert, and the world was introduced -- again -- to the British actor Linus Roache, this time with his native British accent. So, the question begs itself: who is the actor playing the King of Wessex?
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