
iPhone 5 Adopted Faster than Galaxy S4 in North America While Samsung Dominates Android Market

Both the Apple iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S4 are top-notch smartphones, but when it comes down to which one was more appealing to its home camp, the iPhone 5 seems to have won.

Sprint and T-Mobile Merger: Could the 2015 FCC Spectrum Auction Give SoftBank a Case?

A major wireless spectrum auction next year is set to shake up the wireless industry, and it could provide Sprint and its parent company, Japan-based SoftBank Corp., with a case for acquiring fellow carrier T-Mobile amidst concerns of further market consolidation.

Microsoft Debuts Office to iPad as it Heads to the Cloud

Microsoft is going in a new direction, leaving the "Windows first" motto behind and replacing it with "cloud/mobile first." The most important upshot of this change in priorities is that as of Thursday, March 27, Microsoft Office is finally here (for real) for the Apple iPad.

Foursquare Picks IMS Internet Media Services for Latin America Expansion in Advertising, Marketing

One of the leading media and marketing companies in Latin America has been chosen by Foursquare as their exclusive advertising sales partner in the region.

Tablet Sales in US to Decline: Mainstream Consumers 'Unsure' About Buying Tablets Due to Price, Brand, More

While tablet sales grew during the final quarter of 2013, it is expected to slow down for various reasons including consumer apathy.

Apple Inc. iPhones Sells 500 Million Unit, But Smartphone Sales Expected to Drop During in 2014

Apple Inc. reportedly hit a milestone with their iPhone brand with the smartphone's 500 million unit sold.

Target Credit Card Breach: Senators Criticize Retailer for Not Acting on Warnings

Target's woes only seem to grow as the retailer is now facing major criticism from U.S. government officials about its failure to act on warning signals that could have prevented December's massive security breach that made off with an unprecedented amount of consumer personal records.

Twitter Adds More Photos, Tagging, in Continuing Effort to Reach New Users

Like it or not, Twitter is now getting closer to Facebook in its basic functions, and on Wednesday, the 140 character-based social media network announced some new changes that take it one more step towards being less like the Twitter you know, and more friendly for new users.

Smart Watch 2014 Apple iOS iWatch vs. Google Android Wear Review and Comparison: Glass Developer Teams With Motorola, HTC, Samsung To Make Apps For Wearables

The first Android watches come out this year The new Google Android software is now available for ultra-modern "smart" watches and other wearable devices.

iPhone 5c vs. Samsung Galaxy S4 Specs and Review: iOS 7 vs. Android Jelly Bean, Price, and Screen Size Compared

Brand loyalty aside, here are the specs The release of the revamped version of the iPhone 5, the iPhone 5C, has turned the competition between the Galaxy S4 from Samsung into one of the most cutthroat in the mobile market today.

Turkey Twitter Ban: Social Media Company Challenges Tweet Ban in Country

Those of you who use Twitter every day take it for granted...because the popular social networking site/tool has been banned by the Turkish government. But after a momentous ruling from the higher Turkish courts, the corrupt government will not get its wish, and the ban has been lifted!

iOS 7 Jailbreak & Cydia Tweaks, News, Download, Features: Evad3rs Putting iOS 7.1 Jailbreak On Hold To Work On iOS 8 Jailbreak?

The iOS 7.1 Jailbreak update is nowhere in sight, but there just might be a reason behind it all. Are the Evaders ditching all hope with future iOS 7 jailbreaks in order to focus on the upcoming iOS 8 Jailbreak?

iPhone 6 Release, Features & Specs: Latest Concept Design Shows Squared-Shaped Apple Smartphone

The latest iPhone 6 concept may look totally absurd but it certainly captures a great deal of attention especially with designer Martin Hajek working on it again.

Samsung Galaxy S5 Release, Specs, and News: Will the HTC One M8 Beat the S5 in Sales?

Just before the Samsung Galaxy S5 was set to drop, HTC came out of left field with its brand new phone -- the One M8 -- and the tech-norati are now speculating: could this phone knock out the sales of the Samsung Galaxy S5?

Android vs. Apple Best Apps and Games: Is Everything Better On an iOS?

Is the grass always greener on the other side? At least that's what Apple iDevice owners are lead to believe year in and year out.

Facebook Redefines 'Moonshot' With Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Purchase

It's becoming harder to tell if Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is incredibly foolish in his recent shopping spree, snapping up tech companies left and right, or if he's incredibly wise, and playing the long game. On Tuesday, Facebook announced it was acquiring Oculus VR, Inc., maker of the virtual reality machine Oculus Rift.

Project Morpheus PS4 Game: First Virtual Reality Title 'Project Cars' to Release Soon?

Slightly Mad Studios has announced that Project Cars will be supporting Sony’s Project Morpheus. Slightly Mad Studios has announced that Project Cars will be supporting Sony's Project Morpheus.

IPO of Candy Crush Maker King Flounders, Surprising No One

The maker of Candy Crush Saga, King Digital Entertainment, got crushed on Wall Street on Wednesday. The company's shares fell 16 percent soon after its initial public offering, mirroring a previous mobile game maker's Wall Street woes.

Sony Layoffs Hit Game and Distribution Studios

Layoffs continue to strike Sony as the popular Japan-based electronics manufacturer slashed jobs at several video game and distribution studios this week.

Brazilian Congress Passes World's First "Bill of Rights" For The Internet

Earlier this month, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the World Wide Web, called for a "Bill of Rights" for the web on its 25th birthday. Late last night, Brazil broke ground and became the first country to pass a bill protecting the rights of internet users.
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