The top five cheap laptops available on Amazon The laptop is one of the best inventions that had contributed to the productivity of many office working professionals.
200 Starbucks stores will be giving free drinks before 2019 ends. Aside from the tasty food, unwrapping gifts from family and friends is one of the exciting feelings felt during the holiday season.
Methods on how to successfully expand your business operations in the Hispanic Market. Currently, the United States of America has an increasing population of Hispanics.
States in America where Hispanics dominated in terms of population. (Photo : Wikipedia) Hispanics surge across the United States making them the largest minority group in the country.
Harmful malware attacks may compromise personal and private information. (Photo : Pixabay) Countless data breaches and high-profiled hacks in 2019 were very rampant.
Airbnb has taken down an offensive tour package focused on the protests in Chile. (Photo : REUTERS) A tourist package by Airbnb had advertised the "Vivir La Revolución Chilena" (Live the Chilean Revolution) for the nonstop protests of Chileans in their country involving the inequality in the country and other issues concerning the Chilean economy and well-being of its citizens.
Valparaiso Fire puts down the houses of Dozens of People on the Eve of Christmas. (Photo : Reuters) Dozens of people were left without a home after a fire had spread through a neighborhood occupied by low-income families in the city of Valparaíso, Chile.
Oil Spill in the Galapagos Islands is feared to negatively impact the environment. (Photo : Reuters) The Galapagos Islands contain the most diversified level of species in the whole world.
JLo shares things she has learned from her numerous high profile relationships. (Photo : Reuters) Currently, Jennifer Lopez is engaged to marry the former New York Yankee, Alex Rodriguez.
Fashion designs that are expected to trend in 2020. Two weeks from now a new decade will start. This will be a decade that will always start with what is the trend of the decade in fashion, beauty, and style.
Hispanics and Lations are still outnumbered in the tech industry. (Photo : Reuters) There have been different reports published this year about the role of the Latino community in the U.
Roughly 267 million users of Facebook from the US gets leaked on the dark web. (Photo : Reuters) According to a cybersecurity specialist, a minimum of 267 million names, contact information, and user identification of Facebook account owners were found on the dark web.
Best-selling wallets on Amazon as perfect gifts this Christmas. (Photo : Pixabay) A wallet makes a great gift, especially for a woman. They love to have a wallet that has many compartments where they cannot only put their coins and paper bills, but also their important items such as ATM cards, credit cards, valid IDs, and more.
You know you grew up in a Latino household if you've experienced these things! (Photo : Reuters) Being a Latino is something that you should be proud of.
The top five best deals for the holiday season available on Amazon. The holiday season only comes once every year. It is mostly spent with families and loved ones.
Trump is now officially impeached, proceedings in the Senate will follow next. (Photo : Reuters) The House has officially voted to impeach the president of the United States, President Donald Trump.
Remain in Mexico policy leads to grant only less than 1% of the asylum seekers. (Photo : Reuters) The Trump administration has made more restrictive measures to reduce the number of legal and illegal immigrants in the country.
Tips for those who are planning to travel to Latin America. The Latin American region is filled with a rich culture and history. Its rich culture and history can be observed in its cuisines, traditions, and structures.