Young Thug is reportedly engaged to his longtime girlfriend Jerrika Karlae, Young Thug is reportedly engaged to his longtime girlfriend Jerrika Karlae, MTV reports.
Graham unexpectedly made the semi-announcement on Fox News Sunday. Sen. Lindsey Graham is almost positive that he will enter the 2016 presidential race, but he will be a longshot against the other well-funded Republican nominee hopefuls, according to Fox News.
As Tyrion Lannister once said, "When one man builds a wall, the next man immediately needs to know what's on the other side." For those wishing they could get around Apple's wall and stream HBO Now on other devices, I give you hope.
Christina Aguilera is set to start her stint on the series "Nashville" this week, but her foray into the musical world of country music may have to wait a bit.
Petrobras, Brazil's state-owned oil company which has recently been rocked with kickback scandals linked to many of the country’s government officials, has announced that it will reveal its estimation of how much money the company lost in a widespread scandal when it releases an audited report detailing its financial earnings from last year's third and fourth quarters.
Former One Directioner Zayn Malik attended the Asian awards with a new buzz cut and nose piercing. The Los Angeles Times suggests that Malik’s new look might be his attempt to further separate himself from One Direction.
Customers will be able to customize their channels Verizon introduced a new way for its FiOS customers to choose only the channels they want to watch. The new program is an a la carte system that will give customers a better value and provide them with only the channels they want, USAToday Money reports.
For years, Open English has taught Latin Americans. Now it's moving to Miami. Open English has spent the past eight years teaching students in Latin America.
Even though tuition prices are rising, Hispanics still call college affordable The majority of Hispanics in the United States are optimistic about higher education, saying that they think college is affordable, even as tuition prices and debt levels continue to rise for post-high school students.
Selena Gomez was recently photographed by paparazzi during her trip to Mexico. While vacationing on the beach, Gomez was photographed with a hot pink cut-out bikini which critics are claiming makes her look hefty.
As if replacing David Letterman as the host of the "Late Show," is any small fete, but Stephen Colbert recently let it be known who wanted no part of trying to succeed Jon Stewart at the helm of "The Daily Show."
Gwyneth Paltrow has failed to succeed in the challenge to live on a food stamp budget for a week. Gwyneth Paltrow has failed to succeed in the challenge to live on a food stamp budget for a week, Wet Paint reports.