Hundreds of fast-food workers in a several U.S. and international cities joined the minimum wage debate Thursday by staging a walk off from their jobs and demanding a $15-an-hour wage.
The Republican National Committee is calling out the Latino Victory Project, formed last year by Eva Longoria and Henry Muñoz III, Democratic National Committee finance chair, claiming the self-described nonpartisan group does not support Latino candidates from the Republican party.
Signs reading, "White Power," and other racist messages have been posted in a north Denver neighborhood in an attempt to drive Hispanics from the area.
Firefighters struggled to contain intense wildfires in Southern California Thursday. The fires have destroyed thousands of acres as well as many residential homes.
In 2004, GM had its highest number of recalls at 11.8 million cars. Today General Motors recalled 2. 7 million more cars, and the auto industry is now projected to a set a record for the number of recalls in one year.
More than a month ago Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, a U.S. Marine and Afghanistan war veteran, was arrested by Mexican authorities on weapons charges and has been held in a Tijuana, Mexico prison since.
A federal judge in Idaho struck down the state's ban on gay marriage Tuesday. A federal judge struck down Idaho's same-sex marriage ban Tuesday, ruling that it violated gay couples' constitutional rights.
Former President Bill Clinton dismissed comments that his wife Hillary Clinton is suffering from brain damage, saying that he was "dumbfounded" that Karl Rove questioned if her health was good enough to run for president again in 2016.
Although New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has yet to announce if he will officially run for president in 2016, the embattled official admitted Tuesday that running against potential GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush "would be stressful."
A 17-year-old student was arrested and charged with five counts of aggravated assault after he allegedly shot and injured five people near a southwest Atlanta high school on Tuesday.
President Obama pushed for the passage of an immigration reform bill Tuesday, saying there is little time left to pass the bill prior to the midterm elections. Obama told the group that after August, the attention will be on the November elections, and Congress will be less likely to focus on the passage of immigration reform.
A federal judge ruled Idaho's same-sex marriage ban as unconstitutional Tuesday. A federal judge ruled Idaho's same-sex marriage ban as unconstitutional on Tuesday.
Yesterday, conservationists announced a campaign to end dolphin slaughtering in Peru. BlueVoice, an ocean conservation organization based in Florida, and Mundo Azul, an NGO based in Lima, Peru, united for the campaign. Every year, between 5,000 and 15,000 dolphins are killed, according to calculations on fishing boat practices, and "undercover testimony," according to Blue Voice.
In response to the Russian sanctions imposed by the U.S. in wake of the Ukraine crisis, Russia will no longer allow the U.S. to use the International Space Station after 2020. It will also cease launching US military satellites from its rocket engines.
Maryland authorities are investigating a bizarre crime scene after a man claiming to be God drove a stolen truck into a television station in Baltimore on Tuesday.
A sixth man charged with participating in a drug ring that smuggled cocaine from Puerto Rico to Pennsylvania pleaded guilty in federal court on Monday.