Some of the most anticipated events at the SXSW Interactive Festival were Julian Assange and Edward Snowden's discussion on NSA surveillance of the web.
Venezuela continues to be engulfed in protests. To commemorate the International Women's Day, a new protest was planned for Saturday March 8 in which protestors marched to object the failures of the Maduro administration and the dire situation in Venezuela. The past week has seen diplomatic developments that complicate the situation for both the opposition and the government of President Maduro.
In an effort to quell concerns from human and civil rights groups regarding the treatment of immigrants along the U.S. and Mexico border, the U.S. Border Patrol implemented a new set of regulations on the use of deadly to its agents Friday.
The occasion raises awareness worldwide to women's issues. Started over a century ago, International Women's Day celebrates the struggles experienced by women and makes a point to highlight these struggles and change the future for women and for the rest of the world.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange kicked off the South by Southwest Interactive conference on Saturday with a Skype-powered video chat with the tech geeks gathered in Austin, TX. Speaking from his imposed house arrest in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Assange talked with SXSW attendees about his life, the National Security Agency, and the new era of journalism and activism.
Since the 2008 Presidential Election, GOP and conservative candidates have been part of an uphill battle to win the respect and votes of their constituents who have turned toward the Democratic or independent parties.
Couple victims of hate crime after attack in Greenwich Village. After a series of anti-gay attacks in New York City, gay people still cannot feel safe in one of the most diverse cities in the world.
The ruling will increase competition and lower prices For many years, the companies headed by Mexican billionaires Carlos Slim and Emilio Azcarraga raked in enormous profits; their phone companies Telmex and Telcel along with the giant television network, Televisa, were the only ones controlling the market.
He is the highest ranking officer to be investigated. In yet another case of widespread military sexual misconduct, Brig. Gen. Jeffrey A. Sinclair has been accused of sexual assault by an army captain and military intelligence officer.
With pro-Russian forces occupying the Crimean peninsula and the Russian navy blockading Ukrainian ships in the area, the Ukrainian crisis continues to escalate despite diplomatic conversations between the West and Russia. As diplomacy continues to drag, both sides have made moves that show their strength, but it may not work in the long run.
During the last few years, environmentalists, activists and some landowners have protested the Keystone XL pipeline extension from Alberta, Canada's oil sands to Port Arthur, Texas because of fear that it could it cause environmental degradation to the farmlands in the Midwest.
Airplane, with hundreds on board, lost contact with tower Some hours into its flight, a plane loses contact with air traffic control over the Gulf of Thailand.
The cop patrols the Facebook community Facebook's wish to hire a police officer exclusively for its headquarters was granted after the Menlo Park City Council in California agreed to it.
Khloe Kardashians shocked some people with her statements during Wednesday night's episode of Chelsea Lately commenting that she's been intimate with OJ Simpson.
While the crisis in Ukraine hasn't resulted in on-the-ground war so far, a propaganda war has been raging between Russia and Ukraine. On Wednesday, RT anchor Liz Wahl's job became a casualty of that bloodless conflict, as she announced live, on-air that she could no longer be a part of the Russian state-funded news organization.
Latinos aren't signing up for the Affordable Care Act's healthcare marketplaces in droves, as President Obama's administration expected. Now a Hispanic market research firm in California says it has the reason why: the marketing was all wrong.