The passing and subsequent vetoing of Senate Bill 1062, which would have legalized discrimination towards gays, shows Arizona's resistance to a nation becoming increasingly intolerant towards intolerance.
Possession infractions will be fined $25 Last Tuesday, the Washington D. C. city council voted to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana.
State Sen. Steve Gallardo (D-Phoenix) openly disclosed that he was gay, just a week after the veto of Senate Bill 1062, a bill that would have disabled LGBT rights in Arizona if it had been signed into law. Still feeling the after-burn of the proposed bill, which gained protests from civil-rights backers, business leaders, and clergymen, Gallardo decided to publicly voice his sexual orientation.
The self-proclaimed "Champion in Chief," President Obama, pledged to legal immigrants that they should not be discouraged to sign up, and enrollment would not put their undocumented family members at risk. That said in spite of the Obama administration's stunning deportation record.
Cyber attacks between Russia and Ukraine have already occurred, but have reportedly been limited in scope. However, with the propaganda war ramping up and tensions increasing, a threat of a large-scale cyber war looms over the region, just as the threat of a ground war continues.
Secretary of State John Kerry has visited the embattled scene of the latest massacres in the Ukraine, where he pledged U.S. support and urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to take a path of as little aggression as possible or risk facing the ire of the United States military machine.
Today marks the one-year anniversary of the death of the late socialist leader and political trailblazer Hugo Chavez, who died of cancer at age 58.In the aftermath of Chavez's reign and amid this tumultuous time of political unrest in Venezuela, many are reflecting on the past, praying for peace and economic stability and mourning the loss of 18 anti-government protesters. This has left the country in a deflated state of bewilderment, sadness and anxiousness as to what the next chapter will bring.
On Tuesday, NASA announced its ambitions to go to Europa, an ice-covered moon of Jupiter, by 2025. On Tuesday, NASA announced its ambitions to go to Europa, an ice-covered moon of Jupiter, by 2025.
It has been a week since Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed a state legislation that would've allowed companies to discriminate gays and lesbians on religious basis, and Apple Inc. could have played a play is swaying her decision.
Humans make mistakes, and so as the government? A video file entitled "Sexy Babe" containing pornography somehow ended up on a U.S. state department's website.
In response to a controversial state bill that will allow students to legally carry firearms on campus, a Boise State University professor has written a clever opinion piece satirizing the decision.
SB1070 is a legislative act in Arizona, which at the time of passage was the broadest and strictest anti-illegal immigration measure in recent U.S. history. The senate bill has prompted immigration-status checks, and it has received national and international attention and prompted considerable controversy.
What happened this week in Venezuela and plans for the future. Protestors continue to stream unto the streets seeking to change the path of the nation.
As growing concerns in California mount regarding drought issues that have largely affected the state's agriculture and farming industry, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a $687 million drought-relief Saturday, according to the "Los Angeles Times."
The Ukrainian military prepares for further Russian aggression. Following a couple of contentious days in Eastern Europe, the tension between the Ukraine and Russia continues to rise.
Attack in train station leaves more than 20 dead and over 100 injured. China has seen its share of knife attacks, but this most recent incident left a wake of death and misery never seen before by the Chinese.