Controversy is brewing in the California prison system, as women have been reporting that they were coerced into being sterilized by prison-appointed doctors. The case is reminiscent of the eugenics practices of the mid-20th century, when it was believed that people deemed genetically unfit should not reproduce.
From Russia with love? The sexy former Russian spy Anna Chapman has taken a break from her modeling career to propose an international affair with NSA analyst and fugitive Edward Snowden, who is likely hunkered down in Moscow while seeking asylum from the United States.
The embassy has been home to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been on the run from Western governments ever since he first broke the WikiLeaks cables.
Just days after the U.S. Supreme Court rules against proponents of Proposition 8, California's gay marriage ban, the Ninth Circuit lifted a stay on same-sex marriages, and gay and lesbian couples began taking their vows.
The U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a key provision of the 1965 Voting Rights Act in a ruling handed down Tuesday morning that will have far-reaching consequences for minority voters, perhaps for years to come.
Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is one of the most outspoken opponents of the bipartisan immigration reform bill currently being debated in the chamber, but his own father’s path to citizenship was neither straightforward nor completely honest.
New evidence is coming forward from those closest to the investigation that may show that the truth of the flight's crash is much different from the story that was told.
A former commander of a Nazi-allied unit in World War II has been found living in Minnesota, according to documents discovered by the Associated Press.