US News

Wildfires Ravage West Coast Region

Wildfires continue to plague the West Coast region, with one small Oregon town nearly erased from the map, officials said.
Stimulus Check

Second $1,200 Stimulus Checks Are More Likely To Be Sent Out

The second round of $1,200 direct stimulus checks are more likely to be sent out after it got bipartisan support from Republican and Democratic lawmakers.
President Trump Delivers Remarks On Judicial Appointments

Trump Releases List of Possible Supreme Court Picks

President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced a list of people he would consider nominating to the Supreme Court.
Food, Primary Item that Americans Used Their Stimulus Checks On

Food, Primary Item that Americans Used Their Stimulus Checks On

Food was the primary item that Americans spent the stimulus checks that they received due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trump Peace Efforts Earn Him Nobel Peace Prize Nomination

Trump Peace Efforts Earn Him Nobel Peace Prize Nomination

President Donald Trump's efforts in bringing peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates has earned him his second Nobel Peace Prize nomination.
Aging Immune System Makes Old People More Vulnerable to COVID-19

Aging Immune System Makes Old People More Vulnerable to COVID-19

An aging immune system is one of the major reasons why older people are more vulnerable to the COVID-19.
Sen. Mitch McConnell

Financial Aids: What to Expect on the New Bill

Senate Majority Mitch McConnell unveiled the different financial aids under the new stimulus bill on Tuesday. He also assured that Senate will vote within this week.

US Army Veteran Claims He Was Used in Anti-Trump Propaganda by Democrats

A U.S. Army veteran speaks out against his photo being used in all social media platforms to make a false story allegedly made up by the Democrats for political gain.

Texas Unemployment Aid to Increase

Texas will have a maximum unemployment aid increase from $521 to $535 per week next month, according to the Texas Workforce Commission.
People trick-or-treating on October 31, 2015.

No Trick-or-Treat: LA County Health Officials Announce Strict Halloween Rules

Halloween is going to be very different for Los Angeles County residents this year. Halloween is going to be very different for Los Angeles County residents this year.

Biden Struggling to Get Latino Voters in Florida

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden struggles to get the support of Latino voters in Florida, according to a new poll by NBC/Marist.
Miami Latinos Put Trump, Biden in Tight Presidential Race

Miami Latinos Put Trump, Biden in Tight Presidential Race

Miami Latinos are giving President Donald Trump a fighting chance for his reelection bid as a new survey had him tied statistically with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden among the Hispanics in Miami-Dade.
covid-19 task force

USAID COVID-19 Task Force to Cease Operations

The COVID-19 task force of the U.S. Agency for International Development will stop its operations, according to its internal memo.
Memorial Set Up In Austin For Murdered Fort Hood Soldier Vanessa Guillen

Congress Launches Investigation Into Recent Fort Hood Deaths

Congress has launched its own investigation into alleged sexual assault cases, disappearances, deaths and the leadership at Fort Hood base in Texas.
Stimulus Letter Coming to 9 Million Americans Who Have Not Got Paid

Stimulus Letters Bound to 9 Million People Who Have Not Yet Been Paid

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is preparing stimulus letters to about 9 million people eligible to get Economic Impact Payment but still hasn't got the money.
Stimulus package

GOP Proposed New Stimulus Package. Who Will Be Included?

A new and smaller stimulus package has been proposed on Tuesday in hopes of unifying the party and bolstering it politically.

AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Study on Hold Over Safety Concerns

AstraZeneca has "voluntarily paused" the late-stage trials of the long-awaited COVID-19 vaccine it is developing due to a safety concern.
"Skinny" Stimulus Bill: Senate Republicans will Vote this Week

"Skinny" Stimulus Bill: Senate Republicans will Vote this Week

"Skinny" stimulus bill is what the Senate Republicans will vote for as the Congress is still stuck in a deadlock.
Additional $300 Weekly Unemployment Checks to End as Soon as Next Week

Additional $300 Weekly Unemployment Checks to End as Soon as Next Week

The additional $300 weekly unemployment checks given to Americans who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic might end as soon as next week.

Can You Catch COVID-19 From Food?

Experts have finally unveiled if a person can catch or get infected with COVID-19 from food. A team of experts has recently studied the link between food and COVID-19.
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