US News

Should You Stop Wearing Your Neck Gaiters? New Study Says So

Neck gaiters as face covering during the COVID-19 pandemic are ineffective and could even spread the virus further than not wearing a covering at all, according to Duke University researchers.
Drone Food Delivery will Finally be Available in Brazil through iFood and Speedbird Aero

Drone Food Delivery will Finally be Available in Brazil through iFood and Speedbird Aero

Drone food delivery will soon be available in Brazil as iFood work with Speedbird Aero. Drone food delivery will soon be available in Brazil as iFood announced today that the company received regulatory approval from Brazil's National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC).

Florida Student's Mother Gets Shot During Zoom Class While Teacher Helplessly Watches

A Zoom class started out fine for a Florida student's first day of online schooling on Tuesday, until the teacher heard shouting and tragedy started to unfold.

LA Mexican Consulate Opens New Coronavirus Testing Center for Latinos

The Los Angeles Mexican consulate has opened a new coronavirus testing center Wednesday in an effort to better serve California's Latino community.
The CRA Announces Payment Deadline Extension Due to Pandemic

The CRA Announces Payment Deadline Extension Due to Pandemic

The Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) has announced a payment deadline extension until September 30th, 2020. This is due to the disruption caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Most Common Stimulus Check Problems and How to Solve It

Most Common Stimulus Check Problems and How to Solve It

Did you encounter any problem upon claiming the correct amount of your stimulus check? Here are the solutions that can help you get the right amount.

COVID-19 in Hawaii Spreads at a Faster Rate Than Anywhere Else in the US

Hawaii is struggling to combat the spread of COVID-19 as it becomes the highest rate of transmission in the United States, according to reports.

US, Moderna Ink $1.5 Billion Deal on COVID-19 Vaccines

The United States has entered an agreement with drugmaker Moderna for 100 million doses of potential COVID-19 vaccines worth around $1.5 billion, both the company and White House announced on Tuesday.

Orange County Child First to Contract West Nile Virus This Year

An Orange County child tested positive of the West Nile virus, marking the county's first confirmed case of human infection for this year.
Anthony Fauci

Fauci on Russia's COVID-19 Vaccine: "I Seriously Doubt That It Is Safe and Effective"

The nation's top infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, said on Tuesday that he has serious doubts about Russia's COVID-19 vaccine, claiming that it is ready to be used for the coronavirus disease.
COVID-19 relief negotiations

McConnell Pushes Leaders to Restart COVID-19 Relief Negotiations

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is urging the White House and Democrat leaders to resume the COVID-19 relief negotiations on Tuesday as talks about the COVID-19 relief collapsed last week.

Biden's VP Pick Senator Kamala Harris is Making Political Party History

Joe Biden has named California junior senator Kamala Harris as his running mate Tuesday, making her the first woman of color to appear in a major political party's presidential ticket.

Pew Poll Finds Only 3% of U.S. Hispanics Use 'Latinx'

Latinx has been increasingly popular among politicians and mainstream media. But a new Pew research released Tuesday suggests that only a small portion of the U.S. Hispanic community have embraced this term.
Chicago Police

Chicago Police Department Arrests At Least 100 Overnight

The Chicago Police Department made at least 100 arrests overnight following the looting and violence that overtook the streets and injured a couple of police authorities.
Dr. Sonia Angell

California's Top Public Health Official Resigns, Errors in Test Results Could be the Reason

California's top public health official Dr. Sonia Angell resigned Sunday, as read in a copy of her resignation obtained by CBS News.
Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci Says Future COVID-19 Vaccine Will Not Give 100% Immunity

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's leading infectious disease expert with four decades of experience in different types of pandemics, said that the future COVID-19 vaccine will not give 100 percent immunity.
McDonald's File Lawsuit Against Former CEO Steve Easterbrook, Claims Employee Relationships

Mcdonald's Sues Former CEO Over Relationships With Employees

McDonald's is suing its former CEO, Steve Easterbrook, over alleged inappropriate relationships with another employees, while he was running the company.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

COVID-19 Seasons Unlikely: WHO Says Virus Unaffected by Seasonal Changes

Experts at the World Health Organization said on Monday that the coronavirus disease seems to be unaffected with the passing of the seasons.
Pres. Donald Trump

Secret Service Agent Abruptly Escorts Trump Out of a Press Briefing After Two Gunshots

Secret Service Agent abruptly escorted President Donald Trump out of a press briefing on Monday after a shooting incident outside the White House that involved an armed suspect.

Two Fort Hood Soldiers Among Nine Arrested for Child Prostitution

Two Fort Hood soldiers were among the nine people arrested during a two-day child prostitution sting Saturday, said a report from ABC affiliate KXXV.
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