Two Eye-catching with black and orange marks and long stingers were spotted late last year near Blaine, Washington. This prompted scientists to begin a massive search to end the creatures from increasing in number.
Death row inmates at a Livingston-area prison sued the state's prison system after drastic health and safety conditions put them at great risk of contracting the new coronavirus.
Teachers are the second parents of students. They do not only teach the students as to what is inside the book but teach them the values that they need to live with as well. They always teach from the heart.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Roche, the Swiss drugmaker, for antibody tests that will determine whether people have ever been infected by COVID-19.
San Quentin is infamous for gang-related race riots and internal exploitation. The prison is home to six notorious gangs: the Mexican Mafia, Ayran Brotherhood, Nuestra Familia, Nazi Low Riders, the Bloods, and the Crips.
In the earlier hours of Sunday, an earthquake with a magnitude of 3.3 rocks Los Angeles, California. The U.S. Geological Survey reported that the epicenter was a mile from a locality in San Fernando Valley.
Two Arizona sheriffs refused to enforce an extended stay-at-home order recommended by Governor Doug Ducey as coronavirus cases in the state hit 8,640. Arizonan activists call for the governor's recall from office.
This will be the first whole week that the order of Gov. Greg Abbot to reopen Texas is taking effect. A choice of industries which include malls, cinemas, and restaurants are allowed to return to the business at 25-percent capacity.
The Florida Cancer Center settled to pay $100 million for the statutory maximum criminal penalty along with an additional $20 million for violating state antitrust laws.
The Glendora policed arrested and released this week, a man identified as Dijon Landrum from Monterey Park, for reportedly stealing cars, as well as other property thrice in the same day.
The federal judge cited the injustices and unhygienic practices in the ICE detention facilities as reasons for the release order. ICE lawyers, however, claim she has no jurisdiction over ICE detention.