Federal investigators arrested a woman who works as a paralegal specialist in the U.S. Attorney's Office for helping or giving tips to a Mexican Cartel.
As states in the U.S. have slowly reopened its economy, Dr. Anthony Fauci warned not to disregard the health and safety guidelines that could possibly trigger an uncontrollable outbreak.
A recent report published by the California Health Department and the CDC claims the state's contract tracing program was ineffective in limiting the spread of the virus.
The latest COVID-19 relief proposal of the House Democrats revealed on Tuesday consists of over $3 trillion, in new expenditure, amounting to the largest and most expensive assistance package so far, to deal with the global pandemi
Florida law enforcers on Friday arrested a man who they claimed, abducted a Nashville-based Uber driver that sparked a multiple-state search as he reportedly alluded authorities over the weekend.
The Department of Homeland Security, on Sunday, announced it has rescheduled hearings for asylum seekers and suspended temporarily a policy requiring some of them to travel to entry ports in Mexico amid COVID-19 crisis.
Governor Ron DeSantis recently said the COVID-19 figures have improved statewide. However, there are huge differences, he said, according to one's location in Florida.
The man who was shot and killed by a trooper over the weekend in Mesa County has already been identified as Jayson Thompson, 33 years old, and a resident of Bisbee Arizona. This was according to the office of the Coroner.
The coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected the economy of the United States, leading many undocumented immigrants to be laid off or furloughed. They have yet to receive aid from the federal government despite making up a third of the country's essential workforce.
In the 1950s, the state of Florida supported and sponsored a state committee that stalked, intimidated, and terrorized members of the LGBTQ community. They attacked students, employees at state universities, and schools.