Massive destruction of a volcano recorded in Hawaii. Five tourists almost made it through as they were return to safety immediately after a formed lava delta jeopardized human life.
The new discovery helps explain the unrecognized link and answers why binge drinking often leads to binge eating. In a new experiment, the mice were subject to a three-day "alcoholic weekend" and as a result, the mice were found to eat a lot of food than a mice that have stayed sober.
Recent studies on the shellfishes determine that the rising temperature of the ocean increases toxicity. People could suffer several diseases if those affected things were consumed daily. In razor clams, it was found more than 20 ppm contamination of Domoic acid which is harmful to human health.
Explorer Dr. Belinda Dechnikwas from the Geocoastal Research Group in the School of Geoscience found that the Great Barier reef Almost Drowned 125000 Years Ago. According to her study it was happened due to the global climate change & rise up of sea temperature .
Would windmills carry out the energy consumption of one of the world’s great cities? Governor Andrew M. Coumo of New York announced last week that Indian Point Energy Center will be shutdown.
FBI has arresred Volkswagen former executive for being involved in an emission scandal. Oliver Schmidt was apprehended when he was about to fly home to Germany.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope found evidence that a high-speed collision of raining exocomets towards th young star, called HD 172555, still in the early stages of planet formation. The star is about 95 light-years from Earth.
SeaWorld has called off its orca show wth a final performance on Sunday. This decision was due to public outcry for the end of the killer whale show after the recent 'Blackfish' documentary and the death of Tilikum the orca.
Hollywood big names attended the Golden Globe 2017 ceremony held on Sunday. People are talking about the best and the worst dresses. However, there are also Olympic champions too in the event.
Brock Lesnar has been given a suspension for one year by the U.S. The former UFC heavyweight champion received the punishment after repeated drug test failures in connection with his UFC 200 fight against Mark Hunt.
Scientists from the University of Basel has reated a chemically modified insulin. Hexamer form of insulin was just broken apart to make it working for the human body. Researchers took Hydrogen atoms and replaced it with Iodine to chsrge up the breaking process.
A new kind of tiny robot that can heal cancer. It was a time when robotics was meant to be a gadget with various arms, wheels, and controllers. Now, the latest invention of science has changed the definition of robotics.
German scientists made the bizarre structure of carbon molecule. A stable six bond carbon structure with hexamethylbenzene was created in 70's. Now scientists reopened the case.
Speculations are hovering on the internet regarding the specs of HTC X10. According to the new information provided by him, the rumored HTC X10 will reportedly pack a 16MP rear camera.
Flu is now on alarming epidemic level in some US states. Washington state health officials confirmed flu has reached the epidemic levels and four deaths were recorded recently while Montana ranked 2nd with 9 deaths reported in the Evergreen State and 540 recorded cases.