US News

Human Body Would Regrow Limbs Just Like Two-Headed Worms

Dr. Michael Levin from the Tufts University in Massachusetts have found a revolutionary technique to regrow limbs on human body. This is kinda similar of two-headed worms.

A Leap Second Will Be Added To The 31st Night Of 2016

The last night of 2016 will be one second longer. the 61st second of last minute is described as the leap second.

Racist WV Woman Who Called Michelle Obama an ‘Ape in Heels’ Has Been Fired for Good

Pamela Taylor is now unemployed after being permanently terminated as director of Clay County Development Corp to abide by the nonprofit's anti-discrimination policies.

The ‘Big One’ to Be Witnessed Across the U.S. in August 2017 – First Total Solar Eclipse Since 1979

The 'Big One' will be seen from coast to coast in the United States but experts say that there is a special place to see it completely and this is a smalll land in the middle of Oregon and South Carolina.

What Did Kanye West and Kim Kardashian Do On Christmas?

Just a few days after Christmas, people are wondering what the power couple did during the happiest moment of the year. Did they have a happy moment together? Hope so.

7 Common Myths About Science & Health Gonna Busted At The End Of 2016

Scientists proved wrong 7 misconceptions about Science and health throughout this year. There are so many & most common misconceptions about science & health, that believed by people for years.

Climate Change Being Made More Personal and Economically Relevant to Americans

Burden of proof rests now on scientists shoulder to prove that human activities are liable or if not contributed a lot for climate change and the necessity of this proof is urgent.

Carrie Fisher Dies at 60 Following Heart Attack; Mark Hamill Devastated

Billie Lourd, daughter of actress Carrie Fisher, announced her mother's passing at 8:55 am Tuesday. Failing to recover from a recent heart attack, Hollywood mourns the loss of another great actress.

Researchers Detected Large Amount of Ammonia In Earth's Troposphere

An international research team from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology led by Dr. Michael Höpfner, found Ammonia in the upper region of Troposphere.

Five Celebrities Who Suffered Downfall in 2016

From divorce to scandal, from feud to sickness. These big names in entertainment industry find the year of 2016 is the hardest period for them.

Hubble Space Telescope Finally Able to Chase A Small Stellar Galaxy In The Hunting Dog

A small stellar galaxy named, NGC 4047 lies in the Constellation of Canes Venatici aka The Hunting Dog finally chased by Hubble Space Telescope . this galaxy was first discovered by William Herschel in 1789

Jaden Smith Wants To Be a Kpop Star?

Will Smith's famous son is learning about Korean culture. Kpop is still attractive. And one of Hollywood's best young talents is attracted to Kpop and wants to be a Kpop star.

NASA Transition Team to Recruit New Members

NASA will have new members under Trump presidency. U. S President-elect Donald Trump is planning to add new members to the NASA transition team. The new members will concentrate on commercial space issue as pushed by Peter Thiel, a venture capitalist who is also a strong Trump's supporter.

Scientists Discovered The Oldest Water Sample Of Earth In Canadian Mine

Researchers from University of Toronto have discovered the oldest water of earth which is about 2 million years old.

International Space station Could be Visible From The Sky Of Wichita

people of Wichita now going to experience an awesome view at Tuesday night sky while International Space station pass over the sky.

Canadian Scientists Urge U.S To Protect Science Under Trump

Canadian scientists warn U.S against Trump and offering to help U.S. scientists back up their data. Many years ago several Canadian scientists gathered on the Parliament Hill in Ottawa putting on their white lab coats as a protest against what they called the "death of scientific evidence.

Elon Musk’s Ultimate Solution for Gridlocks is to Dig Tunnels – Will Start “The Boring Company”

Elon Musk plans to build tunnels to curb gridlocks and to solve traffic in major areas in the US; will start his own tunnel boring company.

Multi-resistant Bacteria Can Outlast Against Antibiotic Effects

A recent study revealed that Multiresistant Bacteria can even last against Antibiotic medications; Let's know how to defend those bacteria

Worst Science Setbacks Of 2016: Science And Donald J. Trump Presidency

2016 is a year in which scientific progress often feels like it's eroding. These were the biggiest setbacks to science in 2016 under Donald J. Trump presidency.

Phenomenal Weather Winter Solstice Is Coming [DETAILS]

Check out the latest updates on the phenomenal weather. Winter Solstice is coming! Latest Updates here!
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