A gun proposal bill in Iowa would allow children under the age of 14 to carry and use handguns. A gun proposal bill in Iowa would allow children under the age of 14 to carry and use handguns.
United Airlines is considering an earlier retirement of its Boeing 747 jumbo jets. The airline company is looking to replace it with newer and more efficient planes that run on two engines.
Representative Cresent Hardy failed to name one achievement of Marco Rubio in a morning interview. The presidentiables are very busy with their campaigns for the upcoming elections.
The Republican presidential primary appears to be a three-horse race with Trump, Cruz and Rubio, but Florida senator needs a major win in the Sunshine State to maintain contender status.
A Pew Research Center study finds Hispanic and black parents are much more likely than white parents to emphasize a college degree in helping their children get ahead.
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz landed a major endorsement from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott less than a week before the GOP primary in the Lone Star state.
The political gridlock to nominate Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s successor is becoming much more difficult with President Barack Obama and Senate Republicans disagreeing on the nomination process.
As most of the immigration talk coming from GOP has focused on deploying more border patrol agents and building a wall along Mexico, Republican candidates have spent far less time publically discussing changes that will likely soon come regarding the nation’s policy on Cuban immigrants.
Donald Trump won his third consecutive presidential primary, but rival Ted Cruz is banking on a "Super Tuesday" wins, especially in his home state of Texas.
President Barack Obama wants to transfer the remaining 91 prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay jail to the United States in a bid to end the highly-controversial existence of the detention facility.
A new study suggets that aggressive types of cancer cells can be switched off and remain dormant. Cancer is among the leading cause of death worldwide.
These online networks can assist Latina entrepreneurs and business owners. The National Women's Business Council has stated that Latinas in the United States own around 788,000 businesses, proof that they are as interested in entrepreneurship as others.
An estimated 13.1 million Latinos are expected to vote in November that increases the United States total by 9 percent. This increase in turnout can be attributed to many Latino-Americans reaching the voting age as well as immigrants becoming legal citizens.