US News

14 Fast Food Treats to Avoid Due to Hidden Sugar

Added sugar consumption has increased by more than 30 percent over three decades in the United States. Thus, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is contemplating a new food label that details the amount of added sugar in foods.

Zika Virus in Europe: Danish and Swiss Tourists Test Positive

Tourists from Denmark and Switzerland were diagnosed with the Zika virus after returning from Latin America, where the case is now an epidemic.

Latin America Projected to Top World’s Highest Rate of Professional Working Women by 2025

Latin America is forecasted to be "the world's highest proportion of professional working women of 2025," Mercer, a consulting firm, reported Wednesday, Jan. 27. The country's rate for women's representation in the workforce is projected to increase from 36 percent in 2015 to 49 percent after a decade.

Only Female Senators Went to Work After Winter Snow Storm, Says Sen. Lisa Murkowski

Despite the monster snowstorm that buried the nation's capital and much of the East Coast in several feet of snow last weekend, Sen. Lisa Murkowski pointed out that only female senators toughed it out to make it into work on Tuesday.

US Senate Confirms Latino Judicial Nominee John Michael Vazquez

The U.S. Senate has confirmed Latino judicial nominee John Michael Vazquez on Wednesday evening to serve as a judge in the Federal District Court in the District of New Jersey.

Immigration Reform News: 16 Activists Arrested During Rally Against Deportation Raids in San Francisco

California police arrested 16 people at an immigrant rights protest in San Francisco on Tuesday for disrupting traffic in the city's Financial District.

New York Cab Driver Arrested for Stealing $50,000 Powerball Ticket

A New York City cab driver was arrested Tuesday morning, after he allegedly stole his friend's $50,000 winning lottery ticket and tried to cash the earnings for himself.

High School Graduation Rate Hits New Peak, Latinos Exceeded National Improvement Rate

While Latinos are graduating high school at a record rate, many come from low-income schools considered "dropout factories" where the dropout rate is well above the national average.

Immigration News: Human, Labor Violations Fueling Central Americans' Migration to US

Immigrant rights advocates have called out the Obama administration’s inconsistencies towards Central American immigrants fleeing the region.

Flint Water Crisis: Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, DEQ Issued Subpoenas

Attorneys representing victims of the Flint water fiasco in a class action lawsuit served Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) with subpoenas on Monday.

Anti-Abortion Activists Indicted in Planned Parenthood Sting Videos Case

A grand jury in Texas indicted two members of the anti-abortion group that leaked undercover sting videos last summer purporting to show Planned Parenthood workers selling aborted fetal tissue for profit.

New Hampshire Primary Voters, GOP Rivals Focus on Immigration

Voters in the crucial early primary state of New Hampshire list immigration as one of their top concerns, and Republican presidential hopefuls have been busy addressing the issue at campaign rallies across the Granite State.

National Effort Pulls Latinos to Pursue Citizenship, Deny Trump Presidency

The threat of Republican front-runner Donald Trump becoming president has motivated Latin American immigrants nationwide to pursue full citizenship.

Oregon Wildlife Building Standoff: Ammon Bundy Arrested, One Dead

A nearly month-long standoff came to a deadly end late Tuesday when Oregon state and federal officials confronted several memberss of an armed anti-government group that had taken over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in protest, killing at least one man.

5 Latin American Cities Listed as World’s Most Dangerous Places to Visit

For people who love to travel, going to less known places in Latin America is a great adventure. It is also a good way to rejuvenate and explore other cultures so travelers really set aside time just for overseas trips. However, there are Latam cities that are best avoided because of their dangerous conditions.

Scientists Unveil 'Doomsday Clock,' Warn People About Impending Apocalypse

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists warned people about the impending disaster when they unveiled that "Doomsday Clock" on Tuesday. The clock counts down to the worldwide catastrophe that will happen in the future due to various reasons like tensions between nations, nuclear testing and climate change.

US Goverment Starting Research to Find Zika Virus Vaccine

The U.S. government has started the research to find a vaccine for the Zika virus that is spreading like wildfire in Latin America that already reached the Northern Hemisphere. President Barack Obama called a meeting on Tuesday with the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Health and Human Services Department at The White House.

IRS Phone Call Scam: Did You Receive One of These Calls?

When tax season comes around, the scammers also arrive in full force, albeit via phone calls. When tax season comes around, the scammers also arrive in full force.

Niagara Falls to 'Turn Off' for Bridge Repairs

It’s impossible to imagine the famed Niagara Falls as anything less than spectacular, but the waterfalls will soon be “turned off” to begin the replacement of the bridges connecting the United States mainland to the Goat Island.

White House Peace Activist Concepcion Picciotto Dies at 80

After heading the longest-running act of peaceful protest demonstrated in the U.S. history for decades, Concepcion Picciotto died at a housing facility operated by N Street Village in Washington at the age of 80.
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